I have a few JAX-WS web services hosted on the same server. They use the same entity objects, but when the web services are consumed by a client, the reflected entity objects are always different between the web services.
How do I force all the clients to identify the entity objects to be of the same data type across multiple web servic...
How can I call a .Net Web Service from within php. Are there any useful libraries for php 4/5 ?
My web app consists of images stored in the SQL Server db. And, i have a silverlight app on the client side. The web app would allow clients to download file from the server by triggering the download in the silverlight app. The Silverlight talks to the web service to download the file.
I am trying to understand the file download logic ...
Am a stranger to web services and I need to integrate web services into an existing application. The details to be passed to the web services are
Unique reference
Status Description
This web service will update the website on the status of a transaction.
what is the best way to start? where do i go from here?
What is the proper way to call a ASMX Web Service with MicrosoftAjax.js if your just including the JavaScript in static HTML?
What I have so far:
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/MicrosoftAjax.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function testCallSoap() {
I have two related questions about Web services:
(1) I'm currently writing a set of applications, and it occurred to me that maybe I'm not using the right tool for the job. Here is the spec:
There are many Windows servers behind different VPNs and firewalls.
Each of the servers has a Windows service running, that reports various in...
I have a windows forms applications that accesses a web service.
I want to debug the web service so that when I call its methods from the win-app it should stop on the breakpoints within the methods.
Im using the standard java ws implementation shipped with e.g. java6 (javax.jws.*).
I have the following:
import javax.jws.*;
public interface Widget {
public @WebResult String getGadget(@WebParam(name = "id") long id) throw MyOwnException;
Is this possible? Do I have to annotate ...
I am running my code via debugger in asp.net and it works fine, I can authenticate against the remote web service, and no problems detected.
I then created an installer for my application, and its setup as a virtual directory in IIS7, default website (just for testing)
Now I get this error, when i run the code, and it pulls data from ...
Namespace prefixes in my wsdl are automatically generated: s1:, s2:, etc, how can i put a specific prefix for my namespaces?
Can't find it anywhere...
Do i have to override the xml serialization and add them by hand (how do i do that in .net webservices?)
(i mean in .net2.0 asmx, the guys who are going to use this webservice say they...
We have the following architecture in mind:
To an existing application, we would like to add a web service front end.
The web service will be used from a web portal, which runs on a different web server.
So, we will not use a database on this different web server and just forward entries from the web portal to the web service and show...
I've been trying to create custom web services within liferay 5.2. My web services do not access the db, but they call other services and return custom objects. My liferay axis servlet is complaining because I have no serializer for the web service return type.
Is there a simple tutorial on achieving this? I just need to make sure that ...
As like in .NET based webservices maxarraysize can be set in web.config file, is it possible to do the same in java??
If yes,then in which file I have to make the change?
I'm using ASMX web services in VB.Net in VS 2005. I am calling a function method on the web service that returns a true or false value. This works fine if I call the the web method synchronously, but if I want to call the method asynchronously, the function returns to a sub and there is no return value; therefore, I can't tell whether ...
I have a web service that looks like this
public int Import(System.Collections.Generic.List<Record> importRecords)
int count = 0;
if (importRecords != null && importRecords.Count > 1)
DataLayer datalayer = new DataLayer();
foreach (Record brec in importRecords)
I have just started learning Java Web Services ( JAX-WS ) and have one question. The reference documentation always talks about Web Services container. My question is : What is a Web Services container and why do we need it.
I saw a simple example of JAX-WS in book "java web services up and running" where the web service is published usi...
I have an asp.net mvc application and i need to to use ajax in this application , i need to add a scriptmanager and add a service refrences with the path of a web service and then call the web service from tag .
I have the following code and it doesn't see the web service :
<input id="SubmitBtn" type="button" value="Sumbit" oncl...
I'm using the WSDL object model (WOM) along with XSOM for a project of mine. The WOM gives me a way to drill down and look at messages and the message types which are element declarations. However, I am unable to find a way to parse the simple and complex types. The APIs are tricky. There seems to be some kind of a connection between WOM...
I have many C/C++ old native .exe and .dll programs running on Windows servers of my company.
Some .exe programs (I will designate with E) get results on the console or into a file and most of .dll programs (D) return results in arrays of structures.
My boss has asked me for the possibility to “also” send the results generated ...
I am writing a simple web service using .NET, one method is used to send a chunk of a file from the client to the server, the server opens a temp file and appends this chunk. The files are quite large 80Mb, the net work IO seems fine, but the append write to the local file is slowing down progressively as the file gets larger.
The foll...