
OpenID. How do you logout.

On a website I have implemented the login using OpenID (based on StackOverflow). But I can't seem to logout. On my host I can logout but when the user tries to login again (especially with google) the authentication goes through without requiring the user to type in name and password. How can I indicate to the OpenID Provider that a us...

show webservice soapexception response in the client in ASP.NET

Hi All I am trying to make a Test Webservice and throw a SoapException. But when I open the service through browser, it shows Internal server error - 500. If i try to consume it manually by sending a manually created SoapRequest (in stringbuilder), I get the same error "Servererror - 500" in Visual Studio itself in the line "WebRespons...

Is it ok to have more than one completion participant on a WS-AtomicTransaction transaction?

I'm trying to implement a WS-AtomicTransaction coordinator, and I don't know if I should allow more than one completion participant on the transaction. The only thing the protocol specifies is that sub-coordinatos should refuse registration of completion participants, but it says nothing about having more than one registered on the root...

How to upload it to server?

Hi friends, i want to upload the sound file (.ogg) in server. But it should write into the server concurrently while recording. My program it gets the input as PCM_SIGNED audio encoding though its the raw format i have to encode and upload it to server As for now i employed vorbis encoder to convert the raw format to .ogg f...

JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean query timeout

Hello I'm using a JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean (from Spring framework) to access a web-service. I would like to change the timeout of the http queries I'm sending. Is there a way to do this? Thank you by advance for any help ...

applet-server communication, how i can do it?

hi i have an applet and i must request to a web application to get data from server that is in database,i am workin with objects and it is very useful that server response me as objects !! how an applet can communcate with server? i think web services methode, RMI and... make me happy, but wich is the best and reliable? ...

Inheriting from a webservice (WSE), can I override the results?

Hi, I have a WSE web service that returns a list of items in a collection. I need to change certain items in the collection if they match a particular regex pattern. I don't have the source code to the web service! Would it be possible to inherit from the service and hook into the method marked with [webmethod] and then loop through ...

Consuming web services with reporting tools

Hi all, a customer of mine happend to ask me to come up with a technical solution for the following scenario: basis is a crm tool where the customers (i.e. the ones who bought the system) are not wanted to access the database for queries directly (in terms of table level access) there's plenty of reporting in the software, but someti...

How to improve performance of XtraReports using a web service to get the data?

Hello, I'm facing a potential problem using the XtraReports tool and a web service about performance. in a Windows Form app. I know XtraReport loads large data set (I understand a large data set as +10,000 rows) by loading the first pages and then continue loading the rest of the pages in the background, but all this is done with a dat...

Calling a web service from Oracle (10g) stored procedure

Hi All. Can anybody point me out on working example of calling web service (e.g. CXF based) from Oracle 10g stored procedure. ...

security token could not be authenticated or authorized

exception code http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd%3AFailedAuthentication inner exception error WSE3003: The certificate's trust chain could not be verified. Please check if the certificate has been properly installed in the Trusted People Certificate store. Or you might want to set allowTe...

Why OperationContract attribute required in WCF service function?

Why OperationContract attribute required in WCF service function? ...

US State and Federal representatives by zip

Is there a service that will provide information on who the US State and Federal representatives are by zip+4? ...

WCF concurrency call

How can we limit the number of concurrent calls in wcf? ...

WCF service metadata

Hi all, Per default, all data contract entities, involved in realization of service operation (and their known types, are include in service metadata. I am trying to find out, if it is possible in include other classes or data contracts in the metadata. The reason for this is that i have some enums, which can be used to fill in string ...

Webservice development

are there any standards for web service development? ...

How to use JAXBElement<String> in Web Service?

I am Developing a Web Service using WCF.It is an interoperable Web Service.Now i am consuming this Web Service from a Java Client.now when i created the proxy class.It created all getter & setter method.now in that proxy class it created a JAXBElement field.I searched for it in jdk api for it.and found constructor. JAXBElement(QName na...

How to use WebService of SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

I created a report and published it to the Report Server 2008 that worked fine. I can call http://servername:81/Reports in my browser and view and export the reports. What I want to do now is write an application that uses the report to create a Excel file out of it. According to the Reporting Services Configuration Manager the WebServi...

SSIS Delay When called from Remote Host (via WebService)

Hi folks, I am struggling with an SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) related problem for over two days now, so I decided the ask you. ;-) Following Setup is given WebServer / Application Server Database Server with SSIS The Database Server is also hosting a webservice that does calls local SSIS Package. When calling the webserv...

XSD, JaxWS, and Glassfish

I have a xsd with quite a few pattern restrictions in it and this xsd is used in our wsdl. When we deploy the ear to glassfish and bring up the wsdl and xsd in a browser all of our pattern restrictions are stripped out. Why? How can I eliminate the stripping of our restrictions. Here is a snippet: ...