
Why do people want to deliver both Json and XML as output to their REST interfaces?

I understand why "REST framework" vendors want to provide the support for returning both Json based representations and XML based representations, but why do people want to return both from the same service? Is it because you will have client applications that are built on a platform that has no available Json parser? Is it beca...

Using Web Services in the Flex Mate Framework

I am currently trying to use the "Invocation tags" of Mate to call my web services and delegate the WS-responses to my fault/result handlers. I want to use the generated proxies, provided by the Flex Builder, and not the plain <WebService> or <WebServiceInvoker> tags. I actually failed using several techniques: <WebServiceInvoker> doe...

Uploading to rails via oauth

I'm having problems uploading a file through the OAuth gem (0.3.6). The way I call it is: response = @access_token.put( args[ 0 ], args[ 1 ], { 'Accept' => 'application/xml', 'Content-Type' => 'multipart/form-data' } ) args is an array, [ 0 ] is the url I want to send the multipart form, [ 1 ] is the hash of parameters. I'm using...

WS-AT Issue between WPS 6.2 and WAS 7.0

Hi, I have a BPEL running on WPS 6.2 trying to call a web service on developed on RAD 7.5, deployed on RAD test environment. I have setup WS Transaction policy on both client and server. I get an error on WAS 7.0 saying Must Understand check failed for headers: {http:// schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/10/wscoor}CoordinationContext...

REST WebServices in C#

Hi, I need to develop a Rest Webservice, Where can I find tutorial or complete sample code to build REST WebServices in C#. Please help me with sample Thanks, ...

How to provide your app with a network API

I am going to write a Ruby application that implements a video conversion workflow consisting of multiple audio and video encoding/processing steps. The application interface has two core features: queueing new videos monitoring the progress for each video The user can access these features using a website written in Ruby on Rails. ...

Automatic Email Notifications

Hello, I wrote an asp.net program that is designed to retrieve user data. The process, in which the user can log in to the system and input his data, has a Start Date and an End Date where the user is not allowed to log in before the start date or after the end date. I want to send an email notification to the users to log in to the sy...

To return a dataset in a web service or not?

Is there a best practice in regards to returning (or NOT returning datasets) from .NET web services? One camp says that we should promote interoperability and use XML schemas to define the web service payload, the other camp says we should return datasets because it's straightforward in Visual Studio and get's the job done more quickly....

Why webservices do not allow static methods?

Why something like following is not allowed. I mean why the following method will not be exposed in the web service. [WebMethod] public static string Foo() { return "bar"; } It will be great if you can provide me a non language specific high level answer rather than something like "Proxy Objects can not call static methods"....

Converting from One Class to another Class using Xml Serialization in C#

Hi, In our project we are consuming WCF webservices exposed at Central location as services with basicHttpBinding. In client desktop application we need consume those webservices. I am able to generate proxy class using WSDL.exe. But, I need to convert data/class given by the webservice into my local class, for that now I am xmlseri...

How check Soap header on client side

Hi I am begginer with asmx web service. On web service side I add ticket in soap header if user call web method addTicket. public class TicketIdentity { private string ticket; public string Ticket { get { return ticket; } } public TicketIdentity(string _ticket) { this.ticket = _ticket; } } ...

WSDL / Web Service and need to generate interfaces

I have an WSDL / Web Service and I need to generate an set of Interfaces for them, is there any easy way of generating Interfaces for the WSDL? ...

How Do I Intercept Outbound and Inbound Soap Messages from C# Client Side Web Proxy

I'm writing UI to test an asmx web service. Server and client are .NET. Client proxy has been generated using wsdl.exe. I would like to intercept and store a string representation of outgoing and incoming SOAP messages generated as a result of calling methods on the web proxy, so I can add a feature to the UI which will show the message...

How to get the closest significant population centre from a latitude and longitude?

I'm currently trying to reverse geocode a series of lat/long co-ordinates using the Virtual Earth/Bing Maps web services. Whilst I can successfully retrieve an address for the positions I also need to be able to retrieve the closest significant population centre for the position so I can display a heading and distance to the centre of t...

WCF Interop with PHP behind a load balancer

I'm trying to help a customer interop w/ a PHP client but we have a load balancer that is in front of the IIS farm. Because of this when you actually view the .svc?wsdl you get specific server listed inside this WSDL. Then when my customer is trying to generate a client using something like so $client = new SupplierService(); They g...

SQL Server XML (multi-namespace) Parsing question

I'm trying to use SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) to parse an XML file and map the elements to database columns across several tables in a single database. However, when I use the Data Flow Task->XML Source to try and parse an example XML file (that file is located here, XSD is located here), it says "http://www.exchangenetwork...

CSProj contains a reference

I put my csproj for my web service in sourcesafe. Now inside of the text of the csproj there is a line stating that the webservice is located at localhost/something is there a way to not store this info in the csproj so users can move this web service where ever they want? ...

Calls to webservice are slow, should i be using something else?

Hi, Currently we got a web service up and running that handles all our C.R.U.D calls to our database, and pretty much every interaction between user and the database. (starting with checking the database to see if there's an update for the particular version of the end users application, checking credentials, checking/reading various ot...

Can Groovy be a client to JAX-RPC-style web service?

Apparently, Groovy easily consumes web services. Can it consume a web service that needs JAX-RPC instead of JAX-WS? Should I use an older version of Groovy or its libraries to do so? ...

How do incorporate a LOCAL MLS (Multiple Listing Service) database into my website?

Has anyone created a website with MLS search/listing functionality? Currently, brain storming how something like this is done and would like to see how others have implemented this. Any advice is appreciated. Thank You. (in ASP.NET 3.5) ...