
Web Service Request failure Recovery time

I have C# application that consumes a web service. The problem I have is that if a request fails because the service is unavailable, I get weird behavior when attempting future requests when I know the service is available. Example Sequence of events: 1. Application is started with service unavailable. 2. Request[1] is made t...

Java Axis Webservice stub throwing a NoEndPointException

I am consuming a web-service with axis. I am getting a NoEndpointException from any webservice method I call. Its coming from this generated code. if (super.cachedEndpoint == null) { throw new org.apache.axis.NoEndPointException(); } So it seems to suggest I haven't set up the endpoint correctly. This is how i've instant...

ASP.NET: How often is WebService class instanciated? How to make a persistent object in it?

A simple question, yet I wasn't able to find an answer in google. How often is a web service class instanciated? Is it once per call to the web service, is it once per (arbitrary period of time), is it once per something else? EDIT I was hoping the class lives a good long live but seems like it does not. The point is, I've got a reso...

[com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxIOException: Socket closed Exception with WebLogic WebService interop with .NET WCF

We have an application that accepts an uploaded file, but intermittently throws a Socket closed exception. Client is .NET using WCF to connect to a WebService in WebLogic 10.3 using the JAX-WS annotations to create the web service. Intermittently, while uploading large files, we receive Socket closed exceptions and are having trouble d...

Guidance on .net web services

It's been a few years since I've done web services. I remember it to be fairly simply to create and consume one. In my current position, I work in a large organization and we use a lot of DB2 stored procedures the mainframe guy write for us to get at HR data. I'm now starting on a new HR project and rather than having the same ol' data...

Quantity Conditional

Here's one that's got me stumped. Working in PHP5. I am building a store application for a client that makes use of a web service from a larger agency as he is a broker. This web service requires that items for purchase by end users be of a certain quantity or else the order will be considered ineligible for purchase. I must make dro...

Java Web service using Apt. Do I need an annotation processor? What is wrong?

I have been trying to make a simple web service and have been following this tutorial . Unfortunately I am stuck. Here is what I have done so far: 1) I created this class: package server; import javax.jws.WebService; @WebService public class HelloImpl { /** * @param name * @return Say hello to the person. */ public S...

webservice problem

hey all i have a problem in webservice that i am consuming. it takes a string parameter which if i sent empty it does not return anything but if i check the output in the soap ui by removing this string parameter then it return fine. can somebody help me out that how can i do this in vb.net that i either not send this parameter or if i s...

mvc return Json() vs. JSON based Web Service

I want to expose a service on my site that any users can call and get a JSON response. In the end, I want the users to be using this service as much as possible. My site is created using the asp.net MVC framework and i was wondering whats the best way to do this... I think most would say it's obvious to use a web service (*.asmx) that ...

What to choose.... web service or WCF in asp.net 3.5

The current project i am working on is extensively using web services and is made in .net 3.5. Now as we are going for implementation of second phase we are confused if we should either use WCF or web service as done previously ? Further is there anything new that can be useful and is coming up with .net 4.0 regarding web services or WCF...

Given wsdl + xds type file, how do I create a stub WCF webservice?

I understand this is a basic topic but never done this before starting from wsdl. I am being handed a wsdl file and a bunch of xsd with the types definitions. I don't have a clue if they were created from a WCF service (I guess so because of the split out format) but I do need to create a WCF service that implements the contract. Quest...

Connecting to GMail programmatically using C or Visual Basic

I'm trying to make a small program (in either C or Visual Basic) to simply connect to a gmail email account. Then a simple if statement which will be if new mail received, label.text = "new mail" etc. I have spent hours and hours searching and I still can't figure this out without paying for scripts. Any help on this would be gratefull...

Dump of returned data from webservice in .NET

I have a web service client in C# where I take the object returned by the webservice and pass it on to the following method in order to create an xml file: XmlSerializer s = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T)); TextWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filename); s.Serialize(sw, obj); sw.Close(); However, there are fields that the webservice side cla...

Apache Axis: How to set call properties using code generated from wsdl2java?

I'm using Apache Axis 1.4 (yes, the old one), with wsdl2java to generate the client code for a webservice. I'd like to set additional properties on the Call object before calling methods on the generated stub. For example, I'd like to set username, password, perhaps add or modify existing headers, and change the client handlers to use d...

How to secure a service REST with spring3 ?

Hi all, I just made a web service with spring 3 using MVC annotations (@Controller, @RequestMapping) and now I'm looking for a way to secure it. Does someone know how to do it? Thanks, ...

How to store data accessible to both a web site and android application?

I’m developing an Android and web application that will function as a service (use the same data). My question is how should the data be stored to allow for both the web and the android application to have access to the same set of data? Should the android application connect to the sites MySQL server to store/access data? If so how d...

Recommended language for writing a web service

I am an open source developer, and I need to write a highly-scalable web service. For a variety of reasons (basically poor support for concurrency), I am using Ruby on Rails for my app front-end but not for the back-end (read: http://www.ddj.com/go-parallel/article/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=212903282). My web service will need to call ...

How to set up website periodic tasks?

Hello, I'm not sure if the topic is appropiate to the question... Anyway, suppose I've a website, done with PHP or JSP and a cheap hosting with limited functionalities. More precisely I don't own the server and I can't run daemons or services at my will. Now I want to run periodic (say every minute or two) tasks to do certain statistics...

Can you really scale up with Django...given that you can only use one database? (In the models.py and settings.py)

Django only allows you to use one database in settings.py. Does that prevent you from scaling up? (millions of users) ...

Design question: Dynamically changing GUI -> sending implementation classes as soap attachments.

Here's a scenario: I have a java front end (RCP/SWT) app which currently has no authentication support. I have to however, add security to this application so that it gets deployed in different enterprise envinronments. I have a few approaches which I thought I would share with you all here and take your inputs. Please note that there a...