
New Client needs help securing his website after getting hacked.. and I found this...

Soo, what is this? I haven't really experienced too much as far as "hacking" goes. I've dealt and solved most problems with PHP applications and I understand about 70% of this code. but here is what I found, a Web Shell.. by Boff? http://pastebin.com/kZeGHAHC ...

Consuming Java Web Service from .NET

I have a web service written in Java now I want to consume that web service in the .NET world. I use the WSDL to add a proxy class to my .NET application but when I invoke the Java web service method the response is always null. Anyone familiar with this issue? UPDATE 1: Another thing I noted is that I opened one of the svcinfo files ...

Web Service: Service Unavailable error

Hi, I have this web service to import data but I cant import data because i got an error "Service Unavailable" This is my request: POST /webservice/User.asmx HTTP/1.1 Host: www.sample.com.au Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length SOAPAction: "http://www.sample.com.au/UpdateUserBatch" <?xml version="1.0" encoding=...

3d surface chart with javascript?

Which 3d surface chart library out there do you recommand? It is ok if it is flash or silverlight, as long as it supports dynamic data update thru json.. Thank you! Gil. ...

Problem creating DataContract with SVCUTIL

I am trying to create a DataContract for a simple REST based webservice using a XSD file. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xs:schema id="workcodes" xmlns="http://timesheet.domain.com/webservices/workcodes" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata" attributeFormDefault="unquali...

Could I please get some help correcting my little beginners project ?

Hi, This is my first time posting something like this. I'm a complete n00b at programming/php. I was trying to grasp all the tutorials out there and wanted to create a sort of framework to base projects off of for web db/applications. I came up with a few files for crud operations that I know must really be horrible code. I was wondering...

Javascript test for IE Text Size (EG "Largest") or any other accessibility settings (high contrast etc)

Hi, We are looking for a way to collect usage stats of our users web browser/OS configuration in regards to accessibility to better understand the range of users we have. If I can find a way to collect this data via javascript then I can capture it in via our analytics tool (same as google analytics variables). These are some of the th...

python semantic proxy/server, wich framework use?

Hello! This year me and a friend have to make a project for the final year of university. The plan is to make a proxy/sever that allows to store ontologies and RDF's, by this way this data is "chained" to a web, so you can make a request for that web and the proxy will send you the homepage with metadata. We have been thinking to use p...

The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseStatusLine" For PHP webservice

HI I am calling a web service in my C# Code. The webservice is bulit in PHP. I am calling its loadunload method. The webservice returns me the "The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseStatusLine" error if I call the service with in 5 to 10 second delay. Here is the code I am using to call the service. private MyServ...

Hosting an application

Hi All, I have an application running on my local machine with the following configuration: 1) Glass fish app server (3.0 version) 2) Oracle DB (5-6 tables) 3) EclipseLink ORM 4) JSF UI platform I would like to host this application online on a domain. Could someone please point to me the easiest and quickest available options for thi...

Deploying An Application that Uses microsoft.crm.sdk web service.

I have used web services in the past and nothing special was required for deployment. As long as the application compiled and you could get to it through Visual Studio all was well. I am integrating a custom application with Microsoft Dynamics CRM and am receiving an error when I deploy the application as follows: Could not load file or ...

Tracking outgoing http requests from a web server

Hi, I want track all outgoing HTTP requests from my server. Is there any easy way to do this? ...

ASP.NET web site can't see .cs file in App_Code folder

So I have an ASP.NET web site (not web application) I'm making in VS2010 with C#. It runs fine on my machine, but when I upload it to the site it's hosted on, it won't compile, giving: "CS0246: The type or namespace name 'DataAccess' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)" I've been using the co...

Building a personal WWW-page on 000webhost

I started to built a homepage on 000webhost. I got the following message as I tried to manage my files: To point your domain to our services, you need to visit your domain registrar (where you registered the domain) and change the name servers associated with your domain to our name servers and also remove any existing na...

Web site analyser

This is sort of a statistics question. I am looking for a website analyser, not quite like google analytics. I want the analyser to crawl the website itself and record all the data on a page. Images, size of image and so on. Even if it is just a library then its a start for me. Thanks ...

Www and non www sites

I have a domain say http://www.testexample.com. When I login to http://www.testexample.com and come back to http://testexample.com in browser; the logged in user information is not displayed. I know that the both of the above are treated differently and hence it is not retaining the session for http://www.testexample.com while accessing ...

batch processing web based app

hi. looking to create a basic web based app for managing tasks across a network of client systems. basically, users create software apps. the apps are then run across the client server in a round robin approach. i've looked at condor, and some of the other approaches, and figured i'd post here to see if anybody had any thoughts. i'm...

Is it possible to write a script that checks a set of ebay listings for their status?

Hi, So, I have some ebay listings, and I need to check which ones sold, which ones are still up for sale, which ones need to be re-listed, etc. I've been doing it manually, and it is really tedious and time-wasting. I would like to write a simple script to check it for me. I have never written such a script. I'm thinking maybe I need ...

how to implement javascript "star" function of Google search result page?

Hello everyone, When in Google search result, in each entry of search result, there is a "star" nearby, and end user could click the star to indicate whether the result is good or not. I believe this function is implemented in Javascript. My question is, I want to implement a similar function in my own web application. Which is there i...

Consuming ASMX WebService from WCF

Hello, I am trying to consume an ASMX web service from my WCF service. Here is what I did and i get the following error. "There was no endpoint listening at "http://... " that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details. Please help me. Where I...