
select more than one value from multiselct list

I want to know is The only way to make multi-select list is to have bridge table betwwen two tables?? I have tables (member,language,member_language)--> each member has one or more than one language i made a multi-select list of longuages, and i selected the more than languge it works fine. But i wanna to make the same thing into regio...

SQLTable - transpose

i have a rows=db(db.member.membership_id==request.args[0]).select(db.member.membership_id,db.member.first_name,db.member.middle_name,db.member.last_name,db.member.birthdate,db.member.registration_date,db.member.membership_end_date) rows.colnames=('Membership Id','First Name','Middle Name','Last Name','Birthday Date','Registration Date'...

allow system to support multiple languages

How to use T.force('ar') to allow the system support multiple language. i have two links into my page when Arabic link is pressed the system will converted to Arabic version and also when English link is pressed the system will converted to English version. how to force language on click of link?? and also how can i allow data into da...

mod_wsgi, wsgi daemon visible behind _both_ http and https

Hi, I have apache vhost configured with SSL and mod_wsgi its working fine: < VirtualHost > #[...] SSLEngine on #[...] WSGIScriptAlias / /home/maciek/workspace/imid2py/wsgihandler.py WSGIDaemonProcess web2py user=maciek group=www-data \ home=/home/maciek/workspace/imid2py/ \ processes=10 maxi...

convert calender to birthdate

i have a birth date field of type date and when i create form that include that field a calender is displayed into page what i want to do is replace this calender with dropdowns (year,month,day) i created tables db.define_table("All_months", SQLField("month","integer") ) and db.define_table("All_days", SQLField("day","integer...

web2py - select value from dropdown

i have a table member that include SQLField("year", db.All_years) and All_years table as the following: db.define_table("All_years", SQLField("fromY","integer"), SQLField("toY","integer") ) and constrains are : db.member.year.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, 'All_years.id','All_years.fromY') The proble is when i select a year from d...

web2py - save the selected data after resubmit

i have two drop-downs let the first one called "A" and the second one called "B" and it is disabled by default if i select the second option from "A" drop-down the "B" drop-down is enabled and "B" drop-down is required. so in my database i can't make it required, and in the following condition: if FORM.accepts(insert_member_form,reques...

write python inside jquery

I have a web2py application and am using jQuery to validate data. I want to write Python code inside jQuery. How can I do that? if($("#myform_parent_id")[0].value != '' && $("#myform_parent_birthdate")[0].value != '' && // Here I want to write Python code .. } Because when i make this code inside controller and then ...

web2py - disply SQLrows into form

i have a SQLrows family_members =db(db.member.parent_membership_id == parent_id.membership_id).select(db.member.first_name,db.member.parent_membership_id) i want to display "family_members" as a table in my form. How can i do this? Thanks in advance ...

web2py - Translate to languages

i have a menu MENU([['Users', False, URL(r=request,f='user',vars=dict(forced_language=session.lang))]]) and i wanna to translate users to other languages when i put T before it like: MENU([['T('Users')', False, URL(r=request,f='user',vars=dict(forced_language=session.lang))]]) It cause invalid syntax so how can i do that ?? and a...

web2py - translate data inside dropdowns

How to translate data in dropdowns. e.g: if i have table region that contains all regions. i want to translate these regions into other languages. Is there any way like T to translate them?? Thanks in advance ...

web2py - translate login page

How can translate login page of my system by using this url: http://ip:8000/init/default/user/login display by default two text boxes username and password how can i translate these labels. Thanks in Advance ...

web2py - load part of data

i have table called "type" which contains data "family,individual" i want in some pages load individual only into type drop-down and in another pages load both How can i do that?? Thanks in advance ...

How to pass a JSON object to web2py using JQuery Ajax

I've used this method in .NET to pass data back and forth between client and server using JSON objects (both ways). I really liked the method and am looking to do something similar with web2py. Web2py supports returning json objects and supports jsonrpc. I haven't however been able to make it parse a JSON object. My client call loo...

web2py - display radio button into my form

i want to display a radio button into my from so i did: SQLField('active',requires=IS_IN_SET(('True','False')),widget=SQLFORM.widgets.radio.widget) but it display an error: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'widget' So how can fix it?? Is there any solution to display radio buttons into my from?? Thanks in advanc...

web2py - enforce encoding

how to enforce encoding of a generated csv report to make it "utf8" Thanks in advance ...

web2py (and other MVC frameworks): How to execute base code on all controllers

In web2py, is there a way to have a piece of common code be executed before all controllers are called? For example, I want to add some code that will log client IPs to a log of requests to enable analysis. I could simply make the first line of all my controllers be something like response = RequestBase(request) but I'm curious to kno...

Errno 5 caused througth web2py

The I/O error errno 5 are thrown when "print" is used. I don't know why?? server: redHat ...

Django for web2py developers

Now that I've gotten relatively familiar with web2py, I'd like to give Django a go. What are the main differences? What would be the most efficient way to get started taking into account web2py knowledge? (It must help to have some python application framework knowledge,no?) EDIT Also, if you've used both, can you offer an opinion ...

Is Google App Engine right for me?

Hi, I am thinking about using Google App Engine.It is going to be a huge website. In that case, what is your piece of advice using Google App Engine. I heard GAE has restrictions like we cannot store images or files more than 1MB limit(they are going to change this from what I read in the GAE roadmap),query is limited to 1000 results,...