
How to show address bar in webbrowser control in a C# winform?

How to show address bar in webbrowser control in a C# winform? Thanks, Karthick ...

closing all web pages on session time out

Hi, When a session is timed out in asp.net application, we need to close all the web pages those are already opened by a user. Each page has sign out link. When the user click on that link, the home page is redirected to that page. In this case, the other opened pages also needs to be closed. How can we do this? ...

Force WebBrowser control to close cached HTTPS connections

Is there any way to tell the IE WebBrowser control (either through .NET or through COM) to close any HTTPS connection that is currently alive, to force them to be re-established the next time a page is loaded? I've tried many things, like calling Stop(), or setting the browser in offline mode, and then back to online, but nothing seems t...

What's a good browser-based terminal emulator?

We have several curses style applications which we'd like to provide access to through a browser-based interface. We have an application from another vendor which ostensibly provides this based on an old version of the JTA (Java Telnet App) but that applet doesn't handle things like resizing well, and has relatively poor support for sc...

Retrieve base URL path to be used in download image, CSS and javascript files from web page.

Dear All, We are downloading web page linked Images, style sheet(.css) and javascript files using web browser control (IWebbrowser2 and IHTMLDocument interface) ATL win32 application. Now for some of the web page image src= "/images/a1.jpg" are relative, so we need to append a base host address to the location and download. Do we have...

Is there any way to draw Webbrowser content to a specific DC?

These days, I tries to create a hiden WebBrowser control in my program, and Using the IViewObject interface draw to my custom DC. The result is fine, I got All the content I want, but the Draw speed is unacceptable, especially some complex web pages which contains Flash objects, Each Draw to DC cost more than 100 ms. So the flash object...

How to disable Alert box javascript in c# webbrower control?

when i navigate some website using webbrower control but it show alert box from java script page's how to disable its? ...

Refresh Page only time

Hi, I write a meta tag for refreshing web page. Now i want to refresh a page only one time. What is the code for refreshing page only one time. Please help me to fix the problem... Thanks in Advance.. ...

Crosser browser DHTML widget for edittinig large blocks of text

Can someone recommend a cross brower widget and/or technique that would allow users to work with large blocks of text in a browser? By work with text, I mean edit, search, and replace text. Ideally we're looking for something like a jquery-like DHTML component - not a Flash or RIA component (which may not run or not be allowed to run in ...

Embedding IWebbrowser2 ATL interface control in C# windows mobile smart device application

Hi All, We have developed an ATL smart device project for to save the web page locally in windows mobile device. The application uses native IWebbrowser2 ATL interface control to browse the web page and save the web page complete. Now we need to have our UI and other user interface controls to be designed and developed using C# also ...

fire both blur and focus tightly coupled?

Any idea how I can fire the blur even just after the focus event, such that it doesn't occur "loosly coupled" (the actions are send one-by-one to the selenium server). Let me explain: In Selenium RC you fire the blur and focus through fireEvent(locator, "blur") and fireEvent(locator, "focus"). However, after the blur event is send to t...

How might I create and use a WebBrowser control on a worker thread?

I am creating an application that does screen shots of websites using the following method http://pietschsoft.com/post/2008/07/C-Generate-WebPage-Thumbmail-Screenshot-Image.aspx I tried to make the application multithreaded but I have run into the following error: [ActiveX control '8856f961-340a-11d0-a96b-00c04fd705a2' cannot be i...

How to know that WebBrowser control has finished loading all content including flash?

is there a way to know that the WebBrowser control has finished loading the page? currently i am using WebBrowser.ReadyState == WebBrowserReadyState.Complete. but this indicates that the webpage content is downloaded but sometimes the flash is not loaded yet. ...

ASP.Net Page abstraction

We have a win application that shows a web form in a web browser. In order to get data from this web form we are using a hidden text box and get its text using HtmlDocument object of web browser control. I want to make an abstraction of this web form that has this text box element so that other forms can use this abstraction. I made a we...

Support of ATL WebBrowser controls in Windows mobile 7.0

Hi All, Just being curious, we would like to know the support for ATL webbrowser control (IWebBrowser2) is available on next windows mobile 7.0 version. Can anybody confirm the same. Thanks, Ramanand ...

WebBrowser control problem

I am using this code: //I store the website urls in mylist list<string> mylist=new list<string>(); foreach(string webname in mylist) { wbmain.navigate(webname); } But there is a problem in the code is the wbmain.navigate the first url and doesn't wait for first url to open and it opens second ..........and it shows the last ...

Hosting ActiveX Controls in the .NET Compact Framework 2.0

Hi All, After following the method to Host the ActiveX Web Browser (webvw.idl) control in C#, we are struck in getting webview.dll file from the mobile device. To create a complete class definition by using AxImp.exe we are unable to get the webview.dll from the windows mobile device, now how shall we proceed further, please help. T...

IE webbrowsercontrol losing .. in file path of URL

When a IE browser control is embedded in a winform and the link on a page contains a relative file path the URL coming into the callback for the navigate event seems to lose "file:///../../dir/file.htm" and becomes "file:///dir/file.htm" private void OnNavigating(object sender, WebBrowserNavigatingEventArgs e) { // looking at e.Url to ...

catch error created after loading page in webBrowser Control in C#.net

I would like to know how to handle the runtime error generated on the page after being rendered in the webbrowser Control in C#.net, is there a way to catch it or prevent it from showing in the forms? ...

Stop Dragging from a WPF WebBrowser control

I have a WPF application which contains a WebBrowser control. Currently, the user can select something within the WebBrowser and can copy the content by dragging it out to another application and dropping it there. I'd like to be able to stop the user doing this. I'd assumed that there would be a "DragStart" event that I could capture...