
Webkit ondrop event while dragging

I'm trying to drag one img and so it fires ondragenter for IE and dragover event for standard browsers, on IE and FF after the user drags it could fire ondrop event however on Webkit based (chrome and safari), i need to cancel or preventDefault() on the dragover event, doing that so will disable the dragging. Any idea on solving this? Th...

@font-face and letter-spacing in webkit

I just discovered that letter-spacing doesn't always work in webkit (and perhaps other browsers?) when embedding fonts. I've tried it on two different fonts and received different results. "League Gothic Regular" will work http://www.theleagueofmoveabletype.com/fonts/7-league-gothic "Quicksand Light" will not http://www.fontsquirrel...

Webkit iPhone App : How to dynamically change the user zoom (or scale, pich & zoom) in the viewport ?

I use JQTouch for an iPhone app. JQtouch disable by default the possibility to pinch&zoom the page. For one page (containing a big image), i need to enable the pinch & zoom feature. This is easy : var viewport = $("head meta[name=viewport]"); viewport.attr('content', 'width=320, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=10.0, minimum-scale=1, user...

Reproduce Springboard's icon shine with WebKit

Hi, anyone got any ideas on how to reproduce the gloss of iPhone app icons using WebKit and CSS3 and/or a transparent overlay image? Is this even possible? ...

Communication between Cocoa and SWF using WebKit

Hi y'all. I'm trying to implement a basic WebView containing a SWF file inside. The SWF file plays and apparently works fine. However I'd like to know if there's some way to retrieve an ActionScript variable from my Cocoa application. Thanks. ...

which layout engine for finding coordinates of html elements on the web page?

I am doing some web data classification task and was thinking if I could get the co-ordinates of html elements as they would appear on a web-browser without taking into consideration any css or javascript being referred in the web page. My language of programming is c++ and the need results for a couple million of pages, so it has ...

controlling css with javascript works with mozilla but not with webkit based browsers

Im having problems with a css text variable in this javascript with webkit based browsers(Chrome & Safari) but it works in firefox 3.6 importScript('User:Gerbrant/hidePane.js');//Special thanks to Gerbrant for this wonderful script function addGlobalStyle(css) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if (!head) { r...

What is the meaning of this Web kit JavaScript warning? (Thickbox)?

Webkit Develoepr tools says the following Javascript Error: Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL file:///D:/wamp/www/projects/c1-marching-band2/instruments.html from frame with URL file:///D:/wamp/www/projects/c1-marching-band2/iframeModal.html?placeValuesBefore. Domains, protocols and ports must match. file:///D:/wamp/www...

Using border-radius and box-shadow together (CSS)

Ok, I know neither of these properties are completely supported yet, but I'm using them anyway :P When I add a border-radius and box-shadow (with and without vendor prefixes), the radius of the border-radius is not transparent to the box-shadow. Example: http://cndg.us/3f41a0 Is this possible to fix? I've also noticed that -webkit-box-...

Get http status in Qt WebKit

Hello all: What I would like to implement is 1 Using Qt's WebView(part of QtWebKit) to access some page. 2 Show specified html page if got HTTP 4xx, 5xx status (Ex> HTTP 404, 500). 3 Also shows specified page when network connection is unavailable. For now, I had only done job 1... In job 2, how did I get http status from WebView ?...

Does Webkit render 8bit PNGs correctly

I've come across a weird problem whilst trying to optimise the following image: It should have a little shadow down each of the left and right hand sides. However, in webkit (tried mac safari and chrome) the right hand edge loses its little shadow entirely. I've used multiple utilities to create the image and even tried copying a flip...

jQuery: color change doesn't work with Chrome and Safari

hi, could you explain me why the following code doesn't work in Chrome and Safari, but only in Firefox ? if ($(this).css("color") == "Fuchsia"){ $(this).css("color","#000000"); } This is the link: http://www.sanstitre.ch/drupal/portfolio?tid[0]=38 If you scroll down and up you'll see "Eternal Tour" becoming purple and black again, ...

Floats not staying inside div in webkit browser, but do if cached.

Hiya All, I have a rather strange bug which i can't make sense of that is apearing in webkit based browsers (chrome and safari). When this page http://bluprintliving.mammalworld.com/turnmill-street loads for the first time the content seems to jump out of the container but only at the end of the render. on refresh it stays in and behav...

How do I call an Obj-C method from Javascript?

Hi all, I'm developing a native iPhone app using Phonegap, so everything is done in HTML and JS. I am using the Flurry SDK for analytics and want to use the [FlurryAPI logEvent:@"EVENT_NAME"]; method to track events. Is there a way to do this in Javascript? So when tracking a link I would imagine using something like <a onClick="fl...

Detect WebKit Version 525 and Below With RegEx

I'm no good at Regular Expressions, really! I would like to specifically detect WebKit browsers below version 525. I have a regular expression [/WebKit\/[\d.]+/.exec(navigator.appVersion)] that correctly returns WebKit/5….…, really, I'd like it to return only the version number, but if the browser isn't WebKit, return null, or better s...

make focusable element unfocusable on webkit

When a node has a tabIndex setting (other than -1), clicking it will give it focus. Removing the tabIndex setting should stop that behavior, so that clicking has no effect. However, on webkit, once a node has a tabIndex, even after tabIndex is removed, the node can still be clicked and focused. Setting tabIndex=-1 also has the sam...

JavaScript libraries for touch screen devices

I know there are a number of frameworks to help make web applications on Mobile Safari/Webkit look and behave like native applications (eg, jQTouch), but are there any more light-weight libraries that help out at a slightly lower-level? eg, I might want to add some animations on certain touch events to reproduce an iPhone style swipe. ...

Radio button's change event doesn't fire in WebKit when using keyboard for input.

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/55ucw/1/ In any browser other than Safari or Chrome, I can tab into a set of radio buttons and select one using the arrow keys and the change event will fire. In Safari or Chrome, I can tab into a radio group, and select a radio button with arrow keys, but the change event never fires. Am I missing something...

Error logged in WebKit Web Inspector disappears because of page refresh

While hunting a Javascript error related to form submission. I saw an error appear in the Web Inspector then disappear immediately since the form submits and refreshes the page. Is there a console history or scrollback? How can I see what the error is? ...

Could You Quickly Test a Web Page in Apples Safari 3 [Simple Pass:Fail]

I am not fortunate to have access to Apple Safari 3.0 [which has a WebKit version < 525]. Would someone kindly test a Web page for me, it will return your userAgent string and a simple pass:fail. In WebKit versions < 525.… [<= Apple Safari 3.0] it should fail and >= 525.… [>= Apple Safari 3.1] it should pass. I appreciate all your help...