
WMQ special consideration for WAS clients?

Hello, We have a WMQ - WAS/JMS client setup through server connection channels where we are trying to put in security through user Ids. Now, we set up a local user id on the MQ box, mquserid, and left the channel's MCAUSER blank. We thought: the id running the MQ client (WAS in our case) wasuserid, when passed to MQ will fail as it is...


Have been stuck with this problem for a few hours now, anyone any ideas? java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.ibm.mq.MQException.(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;II)V at com.ibm.msg.client.wmq.common.internal.Reason.createException(Reason.java:223) at com.ibm.msg.client.wmq.internal.WMQMessageConsumer.checkJmqiCallSuccess(WMQMe...

Send to MQ from java always uses default installed mqm userid for IBM MQ version 6.0

Our code runs in weblogic and we MQ 6.0. No matter if I use the default createQueueConnection() or createQueueConnection("myuserid","mypassword") it always seems to use userid mqm. See code below. When I connect from version 6.0 to an older mq installion 5 it seems to throw the following error javax.jms.JMSSecurityException: MQJMS2013: ...

MQ security - getting a 2035 on one queue

I have a application that is trying to put a message to a queue(LOG.TRANSACTION.IN) on a remote queue manager. The message ends up failing with a 2035 and is put on the DLQ on the local queue manager. On the local queue manager(QMLOCAL), the application puts the message directly on the SCTQ, since there is no remote queue definition. ...

Queue name from poison message - MQ / JMS

Hi all, I'm developing a solution to retrieve poison messages from a backout queue in Websphere 6.1. My question is: when this msg (ie. TextMessage) is re-queue from a regular queue to backout queue, what is the queue name in msg.getJMSDestination() and msg.getJMSReplyTo()? For example: I've got a msg with destination to myQueue. Howe...

How do I configure glassfish 3.1 to use Websphere MQ7 for JMS?

Maybe I dont know the right search terms to query with, but I cannot find instructions on how to configure glassfish 3.1 to allow me to use an external websphere mq7 server for my jms/mdb project. Can someone help me get this configured? I'll repay the community by writing a good howto document if there isn't one out there already. ...

Message Driven Bean (MDB) running on Websphere Application Server, leaves channel connections open

Hi I have two Message Driven Beans (MDBs) running on Websphere Application Server v7. It is connecting to, and receiving messages from Websphere MQ v6. On the Queue Manager, we notice that the number of open channel connections keeps on growing, and appears as though the MDBs are not releasing these connections. I am not aware of any err...