
How do Application Servers support multi-threading?

I am looking for information regarding how application servers like Tomcat, Websphere, IIS etc support multi-threading to handle client requests. Is there a comparative analysis on how each of them support/handle concurrent requests? Thank you ...

using JNDI when websphere is shutdown

I am trying to test my we based project.I have created main method and its call some db related classes.Now the db related classes uses JNDI , so when running the code i get exception Can i use JNDI when websphere server is stopped?If now how can i go about it?i dont want to run entire flow, i want to test my functionality by calling cl...

window.location and window.open problem

I can't seem to solve this. Originally the JSP code had a function in Javascript that would call a jsp from another server: window.open("<%= otherServer %>/ourreports/Company/fooreport.jsp?index"+index,"Foo",options); where otherServer was a local server ( This worked fine, and would pop out a new window with...

Viewing Queue and Topic massages in WebSphere 6.1

I need to see the messages in Queues and Topics configured on WebSphere 6.1. I tried to configure HermesJMS, but just couldn't make it work. If someone knows how to make it work with WebSphere 6.1, it would be great! Else... what are the alternatives? ...

Commons logging only going to system logs in WAS 6.1

I am trying to use commons-logging with log4j to write my app logs to a file, but my logs keep going to SystemOut.log. The log file did get created, but its empty. Here's my log4j.properties and commons-logging.properties(both should be on classpath - they're under WEB-INF/classes) WEB-INF/classes/ log4j.properties : log4j.rootLogger=...

Unable to get my custom JSF Login Portlet working

Hi, I am using webSphere portal 6.1. I wrote my own custom login portlet and placed in the Login page from the portal server. The page loads fine the problem is when I try to login. It takes 2 attempts to login. The first time when I try to login, the page refreshes (I don’t see any exception on the consol). If I enter the user id/passwo...

OutOfMemoryError geeting in websphere application server 6.1 with jdk1.5

native_stdout.log:Exception java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: requested 289064 bytes for Chunk::new. Out of swap space? native_stdout.log:Exception in thread "CompilerThread0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: requested 475344 bytes for Chunk::new. Out of swap space? native_stdout.log:Exception java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: requested 5242880 bytes for...

Websphere : deployment logs location?

I am a newbie to websphere. I am trying to deploy an EAR while i get the following exception: DeploymentDescriptorLoadException: META-INF/ejb-jar.xml When I searched about this error, the answers I got was to check the deployment log file to find the root cause of this error. I am not sure where the deployment logs would be. Checking ...

Accessing JNDI from within Eclipse OSGI bundle, hosted in WebSphere App Server

Hi, I have a problem accessing JNDI resources from within an OSGI bundle, hosted in WebSphere Application Server (WAS) using a servlet bridge. It is failing on creating the JNDI initial context. My code is: Hashtable env = new Hashtable(); env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.ibm.websphere.naming.WsnInitialContextFactory...

problem with starting WAS in debug mode

I want to start my WAS server(on windows) in debug mode.But my application is huge and server time outs while starting in debugging mode.I have increased the timeout value to 1000 .What should i do? ...

How do you redirect context roots in WebSphere 7?

How do you map 2 context roots to one application in WebSphere 6. For example, I have an application with a context root of "/", which is obviously the default application. I want requests directed at context root "/sample" to be redirected to the "/" path. Thanks! ...

problem with using JPA

I am getting following error while executing a unti test case(JUNIT).I am using it to understand the part of the project.Project is a web based project.Project is using OPENJPA <openjpa-1.2.1-SNAPSHOT-r422266:686069 fatal store error> org.apache.openjpa.persistence.RollbackException: Unable to obtain a TransactionManager using null. ...

How to fix unrecognised JRE library in WebSphere / Rational Software Architect project

I have just imported the usual range of projects into a workspace, and am using Rational Software Architect version 7. For the majority of projects I get this error: "The project was not build since its build path is incomplete. Cannot find the class file for java.lang.Object" Looking at the Java Build Path for one of these projects I...

Security Realm for an application within WebSphere 7.0

We are testing using security realms with our web application. In test we will be going against Microsoft Active Directory. Production will go against a custom realm. I have the working great in Tomcat, but can't seem to get this working in WebSphere. I have created a Security Domain (foo-ldap) within WebSphere that can connect to th...

How to configure an ejb both local and remote on Websphere

I have a stateless EJB SessionBean with bith @local and @remote annotations. The code is working fine in weblogic server. However on deploying it to Websphere it gives following exception. bm.ejs.container.EJBConfigurationException: BUSINESS_INTERFACE_DESIGNATED_AS_BOTH_REMOTE_AND_LOCAL: 'oracle.odc.session.ODCSession' The oracle.odc.s...

How does Websphere implement DRS?

I've read about Websphere's Data Replication Services (DRS), which is the backbone of its clustering services. What I don't know is what is its implementation - how does it transfer data and reconcile possible differences? Is it based on RMI or JMS or something altogether different? ...

Message Driven Bean (MDB) running on Websphere Application Server, leaves channel connections open

Hi I have two Message Driven Beans (MDBs) running on Websphere Application Server v7. It is connecting to, and receiving messages from Websphere MQ v6. On the Queue Manager, we notice that the number of open channel connections keeps on growing, and appears as though the MDBs are not releasing these connections. I am not aware of any err...

How to restore the original order of xsd:elements in xsd:sequence wrappers when websphere is upgraded?

So, there's a project around these parts that's pretty old. It's using Java 1.4 and XFire to produce code-first web services (I know, I know, best practices...). Anyways, the heads have recently decided everyone needs Websphere 7 now! Upgrading to Websphere 7 changed the WSDL significantly. For example, before, if this was the order ...