
Are there any Tools to Automate Migration from a Website to Amazon Webstore?

Hi guys, we have a current website which shows the product, shopping cart and the whole shebang. and we're trying to migrate to Amazon web store, not the Cloud computing architecture type but the basic html web store method. And based on the tools that i see is available on amazon web store, there seems to be a lot of html editing, exce...

How to hide Amazon webstore default toolbar with Prototype?

Hi Guys, after playing around this morning, i've found that there's this default chunk of html code in the amazon webstore which will add a toolbar on top of the page. the html looks like below: <td id="wba_logo_bg"> <table class="logo" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr><td align="left"></td> <td cl...

Amazon WebStore hide/disable/remove

Hey guys, I'm new to template editting. I'm trying to remove a table from the Amazon's WebStore template so i can start designing my own. Anyone out there know how I can go about hiding/disabling/removing/bypassing it? ...

How can I use google app engine?

I've begun planning a kind of web store interface that I want to work on soon. I'm starting to import products from China and want to have a completely unique feel for my site. Now I'm kinda a google fanboy and have heard alot about google app engine. Mostly I like the hosting available with google more then anything though. But I wanted...