
scheduling app using constraints for when an event can take place

Ok, what I'm trying to do is build a web app that allows students to visually organize their class calendar using drag and drop. but They have to be able to drag and drop to specific locations (when those classes are available), not just anywhere. This would be a 'fixed week' calendar. I was considering using a table, but was wondering ...

How to display weekly(Mon to Sun) data in php and mysql??

In php i can get today date/day by using : $today = date('D, Y-m-d'); If today is wednesday 8 july, i want to display data from 6 - 11 July (9, 10 and 11 will be blank). How do I do that? Now my system is like, today is 8 July, i will display 2 - 8 july, but start on wednesday. Not very like this way. I prefer, start on Monday to sunda...

Using PHP to group and display MySQL entries by week

Hi - I'm building a site with several 'one-liners'. These are added using a simple PHP5 form, stored in a MySQL 5 database. Each row has an 'id' (auto_increment), 'title', 'description', 'status' (1 or 0) and 'date_added' (MySQL datetime). I want to display them grouped by Month and Year, like so: <dl> <dt>August 2009</dt> <dd>...

Java - How to calculate the first and last day of each week

I'm trying to create a weekly calendar that looks like this: http://dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxScheduler/sample_basic.html How can I calculate every week date? For example, this week is: Monday - Sunday 7 June, 8 June, 9 June, 10 June, 11 June, 12 June, 13 June ...

Do you send automatic weekly reports about status of your server?

I am working on redoing a weekly report, I send, to anyone on our development team. The previous version just sent sql server based scheduled jobs status, backup status, and database size. But for this new version, will have more information from every part of our server. Coldfusion: Verify Main Datasource List Scheduled Tasks Serve...