
CSS and Printing : Keep block of text together.

This is a typical Multiple Choice exam, Assume a question format: <question qid='1'> <stem>What is your name?</stem> <choice value = 'a'>Arthur, King of the Britons</choice> <choice value = 'b'>There are some who call me ... Tim!</choice> <choice value = 'c'>He is brave Sir Robin, brave Sir Robin, who-- Shut up! Um, n-- n-- n-- nobody, ...

Dealing with widows in a multicol environment

I have problems with dealing with widows within a multicols environment, that is, I have not managed to instruct LaTeX to remove the them. This PDF document shows an example of the problem. At the top of the second page, I get a widow from the last paragraph of the first page. I have tried a couple of approaches, without luck: setting...