
Effective Extensions for Development Wiki

Our small team of 3-4 developers uses a wiki for documentation and collaboration. I'm trying to put together a list of some solid extensions which would help make it better. We are using MediaWiki, but if you know of a good extension/plug-in for another platform I'd like to hear about that too. Thanks. Here is my list so far: Geshi...

Website using open source Forums,Wikis and CMS (Single site)

Hi, I want to develop a site using all three FOSS i.e. Forum,wikis and CMS.But i have few doubts. 1.Can you suggest which is the best software for each of the three(Forum,wikis and CMS).? 2.How should i make the front end preferably(i.e should i use Dreamweaver or just use the CMS for the front end too) 3.How do i integrate all the thr...