
How to retreive correct path of either system32 or SysWOW64?

I have a 32-bit process that can run either in 32-bit or 64-bit Windows. So, naturally, if the process tried to access the file c:\windows\system32\file.ext, it would be redirected to c:\windows\SysWOW64\file.ext. So far so good - I don't want to disable the redirection. My problem is that my process doesn't actually access the file - i...

Building in 64 bit Windows on VS2008 gives C2632 error

So I am trying to build an 32 bit application in 64. I am linking to all 64 bit libraries, and I have recompiled everything we used for 64 bit. I am getting weird errors now. I have seen some similar errors over the net but nothing useful in those topics. Any idea what could be wrong that causes this behavior? warning C4091: 'typedef ...

Unresolved external symbols in compiling 32 bit application in Windows 64

So I am trying to compile legacy app from 32 bit to 64 bit.. I re-compiled all of the libs it used and made it look into WIN SDK6.0A x64 bit for libs.. I am using: Visual Studio Professional Edition 2008 Visual C++ dotNet Framework 3.5 SP1 Windows Server 2008R2 Windows SDK is 6.0A Everythings finally coming up but I am getting these...

Windows 7 Snap - Windows Message ?

In my windows form application I want to capture the windows 7 snap message, does anyone know which message is generated when the window is about to be snapped. I tried to listen in to the application and it looks like WM_GETMINMAXINFO = 0x24; is generated. Can anyone confirm if thats really the windows message for snap? ...

With python: intervals at x:00 repeat

How do I sched a repeat timer for 5 min intervals. Which fire at 00 seconds, then repeat at 00. Ok, not hard real-time but as close as possible with sys lags. Trying to avoid a build up in lags and get near 00. Lang: Python, OS: WinXP x64 System has 25ms resolution. Any code would be helpful, tia ...

Invoking a COM Server Dll on a 64-bit Windows Machine

Hi! I'm having some 64-bit issues. Here's the scoop: I have 32-bit COM exe (written in FoxPro). This exe invokes a 32-bit COM dll (also written in FoxPro). In the 32-bit Windows world, the dll is placed in C:/Windows/System32 directory, registered with C:/Windows/System32/regsvr32.exe and all is well. The exe can be launched and an...

Running a Cpp/MFC program compiled as Win32 using Visual Studio 2008 on a Windows 7 64 bits?

I compiled a Win32 CPP/MFC program using VS2008 running on a 64 bit Windows 7. All system dll's are linked dynamically. This program reads/writes HKLM\Software\ subkeys. Tested on Windows 7 64 bits ok. All entries were read as expected from the HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node subnode. The problem started when I tried running this exe on a...

Delphi Using LockFile on windows 7 64.

Hi All. I have found that if you open a file that resides on 32 bit server in a share folder from a 64 bit windows 7 machine, read it, lock it and then open it again. When you close all open handles the file actually remains open. The exact steps are: Place a file that is between 7000 and 10000 bytes long in a shared folder on a 32 ...

A rather complicated Windows 7 64 bit to windows 32 bit server file locking issue

Possible Duplicate: Delphi Using LockFile on windows 7 64. Hi All. I have found that if you open a file that resides on 32 bit server in a share folder from a 64 bit windows 7 machine, read it, lock it and then open it again. When you close all open handles the file actually remains open. The exact steps are: Place a file...