
Help required in WinAvr programming

hello, i am trying to run a source code of win avr . after making the makefile when i try to send it using avrdude it is giving me error. Please any one can help me ...

help requires in winavr

i am trying to send ---.hex file to my siemens C55 throught serial port but while doing do i am getting an error "make.exe" program avrdude -p atmega8 -P com2 -c stk200 -U flash:w:gsm_remote.hex avrdude: port name "com2" is neither lpt1/2/3 nor valid number avrdude: can't open device "com2" avrdude: failed to open paral...

8 bit enum, in C

I have to store instuctions, commands that I will be receiving via serial. The commands will be 8 bits long. I'd like to use Enumerations to deal with them in my code. Only a enumeration corresponds to a ... on this platform I think a 16 bit integer. I need to preserve transparancy between command name, and its value. So as to avoid ha...

How to compile and run c/c++ programs in Notepad++ using the WinAvr compiler

I want to use notepad++ instead of programmer's notepad. How can i use the WinAvr compiler with notepad++?? ...

Grouping Files in Project Explorer in Eclipse

Hi, I am newbie to Eclipse, I am planning to use it for AVR development with WinAVR and gcc. The feature I am looking for is the grouping of different files in the project, like all headers together, all source files together and all files excluded from the build together etc. I tried AVR Studio from Atmel, it has this grouping feature ...

Assign delays for 1ms or 2ms in C ?

Hello there, Im using a code to configure a simple robot. Im using a WinAVR and the code used there is similar to C, but without stdio.h libraries and such, so codes for simple stuff should be entered manually ( e.g. converting dec to hex is a multiple-step procedure involving ascii character manipulation ) Example of code used is ( ju...