
Windows Authentication for winforms with Windows 2000

I use the following code to validate users through windows authentication for my winform application. This works fine with windows XP but when the user is using windows 2000, it says that the userid or password is in valid. How do I do this in Windows 2000. Further, How do I detect whether the user is using Windows Xp or windows 2000...

Program VB.Net for use on Windows-2000

Newbie question - How do I set up a VB.NET program so it will run on W2K ? I understand I can only use .Net 2.0 or older. Is there an easy way to limit which .net version is used/referenced ? (I have .Net 3.5 on my XP development computer) Updating target computers to XP, Vista, Windows 7 is NOT an option. ...

Is it possible to retrieve (programatically) the exit code of a Windows task?

I am running a task from inside a batch file like this: schtasks /run /tn TASK_NAME The task, in turn, executes another batch file, that may exit with an error code thus: exit -1 Is there any way to get the exit code of the task that completed? ...

WMI namespace root\cimv2 not available on Win2k?

Hi, I'm trying to run the following VBScript code on a Win2k SP4: strComputer = "." Set oWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") It works on XP and Win7 without problems, but on this 2k box I get the following error: C:\test_wmi.vbs(3, 1) (null): 0x8004100E The ...