
monitor keyboard events with python in windows 7

Is there any way to monitor keyboard events in windows 7 with python without the python program having focus? I would like to run the python script as a background process that monitors certain keyboard events and does certain things on various keyboard input combinations. ...

Can't modify SystemLookAndFeel under Windows 7

Hello, I'm experiencing a subtle issue with the Swing SystemLookAndFeel under Windows 7. The applet below sets the SystemLookAndFeel and then modifies the background colour of MenuBar and MenuItem. This works perfectly well with Windows XP and it works also well with Windows 7 having the Windows Classic theme activated. But it has no ef...

Old Delphi hide/show desktop icons method not working under Windows 7 64 Bit

I have a Delphi 2010 app which shows/hides the desktop icons under XP fine. However under my Window 7 test environment (happens to be 64 bit) the icons don't disappear. Here is the critical code I am using (for the hide): ShowWindow(FindWindow(nil, 'Program Manager'), SW_HIDE ); I have found I can set the registry: [HKEY_CURRENT_US...

Python IDLE is not starting on Windows 7

I used to use Python 2.7 and then IDLE was working. I uninstalled it and installed Python 3.1. Right now Idle cannot launch. What should i do to get it running? NOTE: I tried c:\Python31\pythonw.exe c:\Python31\Lib\idlelib\ i uninstalled 3.1 and installed back 2.7, not working neither... ...

Windows 7 permissions cruise control

Hi! I have cruise control with Nant running on windows 7 machine .Builds work just fine. But I have a task for which i need to start a batch process which opens up an application window (directX based application) and perform some tasks. But this nant task fails all the time , the very first call for device getdevicecaps fails .this t...

What is a good place to store data files on Win7 that can be accessed and manipulated by multiple user accounts?

So I've been working on a system that includes multiple parts, such as a standard user-mode application, a plug-in for Internet Explorer, and a Windows Service. I need to be able to access and/or manipulate the same set of data files from all of these parts which may run under different user accounts. And I seem to be a little confused a...

How to cope with “... failed to start. Veryfy that you have sufficent privileges..."?

:( i can't install my msi file because of that. does anyone know why is that? ...

Where should I save an xml file so it can be written to by a service when Windows is logged off?

Hi all, Where should I save an xml file so it can be written to by a service (written in C#) when Windows is logged off? Thanks Steven ...

gwt developer tools IE8 plugin install problem on Windows 7

Today I started testing a gwt application on a new notebook with Windows 7. Testing with Firefox went OK, then I started it in IE8. The "Development Mode requires the Google Web Toolkit Developer Plugin" comes up, fine, click on Download. A moment (and a download) later, an IE security warning window comes up ("Do you want to run this so...

Where can a user write to that can be accessed by a service when a user is logged off?

Hi all, Where can a user write to that can be accessed by a service when a user is logged off? When a user runs the program they will be applying settings that a service needs to read, typically a user would need to be an administrator to be able to write to 'Program Files' or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE so is there a correct way to prompt for a...

bash: ssh-host-config: command not found

Does anyone have ANY ideas what could be causing this. I am on win 7. I have successfully setup everything using this tutorial: I am up to this command: ssh-host-config ..but I receive the error in the title. I have searched google and many other places. I cannot find one inst...

How to authenticate windows application against other application/COM Object

I have 3 components in my system: COM Object - Provide Services to application that has func1(), func2() App1 - Trusted Application that need to use the com object funcs (1 and 2) App2 - Malicious application, not authorized to use func1(), can use func2() it is not harmful. How can the COM Object can "authenticate" App1 and allowin...

VB6 sending email through Outlook 2003 no longer works in Windows 7?

This VB6 code worked fine in Windows XP with Outlook 2003. Function SendMail(EM_TO, Em_CC, EM_BCC, EM_Subject, EM_Body, _ EM_Attachment As String, Display As Boolean) Dim objOA As Outlook.Application Dim objMI As Outlook.MailItem Dim obgAtt As Outlook.Attachments Set objOA = New Outlook.Application Set objMI ...

Moving to WIn 7 x64 generates bunch of compile errors in Designer!

I support small local customers with VB2008 and MS Access applications (not VBA!). When I had to replace my machine, the new one came with Win7 64bit. Things failed immediately. I figured out how to compile VB for x86; but when I did that, I got a bunch of compile errors from the designer code, not my own. Typical of the errors is th...

Flickering UI problems - what causes the DWM in windows 7 to decide to refresh immediately upon calling SetWindowPos?

I have a custom tabbed style control, and internally it works by showing or hiding the relevant page when you click on a tab. The basic order of things that happen when you click a tab is Bring relevant page to front Show relevant page (by calling SetWindowPos with the appropriate flags) Hide the old page that we just covered up Repai...

What is the very last place where you can execute logic in a Windows executable?

In my application, I want to execute logic at the very last moment. The later, the better. The reason for this is that I keep track of certain elements in my application (data structures, resources, ...), and at the end of the application, a routine looks at these elements and reports if they were not correctly closed, freed, deleted, ...

Determine windows DPI settings programmatically?

Hello, we've got a problem with one of our non dpi aware MFC applications. If you change the system setting to high dpi (e.g. 120 or 144 dpi), the application icon on the taskbar looks screwed up. Unfortunately, we have to register our own WNDCLASS for the mainframe, and in the WNDCLASS.hIcon member you have to set an icon. This icon is...

run interactive command with apache commons exec

Hi, I want to run an interactive command with apache commons exec. Everything works except that when my command is executed and waits for user input I don't see my input in the console until I press enter which makes it effectively unusable. This is an example of an interactive program: public static void main(String[] args) { ...

Create Process with FS Virtualization Enabled

With UAC disabled, I need to create a process with the same characteristics as the process created with UAC enabled - basically I'm emulating process creation with UAC enabled. My only roadblock is virtualization. The sample code below should create an instance of notedpad at medium IL with virtualization enabled. In actuality, it cre...

How to get Windows Mobile Device Center To Connect to the Emulator

I have recently installed Windows 7 and I have come to a conclusion. While Active Sync was old and did not work great, it did work. I could connect to my devices and emulators after the proper rituals and incantations. The other conclusion I have come to is that Windows Mobile Device Center is worse that Active Sync was. I cannot get...