
Retrieve a particular field value from Azure table

The following code always throws exception .... DataServiceContext ctx = account.CreateCloudTableClient().GetDataServiceContext(); var val = (from t in ctx.CreateTable<MyClass>("TableName") select new {testval =}).FirstOrDefault(); If I read the entity it works fine: var val = (from t in ctx.CreateTable<MyClass>("T...

How to create a new Table using Table Storage in Azure

I have tried to use the samples that Roger Jennings recommeded in his book, "Cloud Computing with Windows Azure", but he is using version 1. I'm using v1.2 and there is a lot of differences. Firstly, I had to recompile the StorageClient DLL with the corrected namespace and other changes. Then, when I use his code to create a Table at ...

How do I extract "eTag" or "x-ms-request-id" from my Azure Storage response?

The Azure table whitepaper mentions that the x-ms-request-id is useful to send to Microsoft in the event there is an error working with the data. If I do have such an error, I'd like my try...catch block to take this and save it somewhere for future analysis. How do I extract this information and have it available when the Exception co...

How do I load test Azure Table to 500 IOPS or greater?

I want to test the claim that Microsoft has for Azure Table Storage Partitions. They say that they get 500 IOPS per partition... but I want to see for myself and also look at how the storage client library will react to an overloaded partition. Since I've seen various issues with the servicePointManager and other items regarding this,...

The expression is not supported error when accessing Azure Tables

I'm trying to get some records from the Azure Table Storage while using paging with the continuation token. I have the following code: public Stories SelectStory(DateTime start, DateTime end, string searchGuid) { long startTicks = DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks - start.ToUniversalTime().Ticks; long endTicks = DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks - e...