
Has anyone installed NServiceBus onto a Microsoft clustered server?

Update: Ok, after getting past the fact that I did not have MSDTC set up as a cluster resource (doh!), I was able to run my program and all appeared well, but I was not able to successfully send messages to it. After digging I found that while the private queues were created on one node of the cluster, they were not on the other node (I...

Programming Windows Cluster resource DLLs using Delphi

I wonder whether there's a way to program a resource DLL for Windows Clusters in Delphi. I want to write a program that observes cluster state changes. Judging from the MSDN API reference, all relevant functions are located in the ClusAPI.h and ResAPI.h headers, but unfortunately it seems as if they haven't been ported yet and HeaderCon...