
Where Federation authentication token is saved [WIF STS]?

Hi all, While i started to explore WIF, i have a doubt on the following: In the Windows Identification Foundation[WIF],looking on to Security Token Service[STS], i wish to know where the federation authentication token is being saved? I think its in browser cookie, if so can anyone please give me a insight about it? ...

Call Dispose() on a WindowsIdentity object? C#

I am retrieving a WindowsIdentity object by calling: win_id = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(); with the intention of getting the currently logged on user name, which works fine. WindowsIdentity implements IDisposable, but since I din't create the object myself, do I still need to call .Dispose() on it when I am...

Windows Identity SID

Does SID for a windows account (local, domain, Active Directory) ever changed once an account is created? If yes, under what conditions. ...

Windows authentication in WCF & IIS to access a database

Hi there, I've got a WCF service I want to use to access a SQL db (via Linq2SQL at the moment), but the trusted security in a live IIS environment doesn't seem to use the right credentials - I've tried to follow the related posts here, but can't seem to quite get it. I'd be really grateful if someone could spot my mistake ... in the En...

Is it possible to override the cookie duration for specific subdirectories when using Windows Identity Foundation? (WIF)

I'm considering using IE8 Slices with my website and need to provide some kind of authentication. If you don't know what webslices are, check this link out: I'd like to know if it's possible to override the cookie duration when us...