
Automate an OS check, three installers, and two registry appends

I need to create a single installer that I can distribute to machines running one of Windows XP or Vista. The installer needs to do the following: 1) Check if the OS is XP SP3 or Vista. If it's vanilla XP or SP1, run an MSI. This will install Remote Desktop 6.1. 2) Run an executable. This is the installation file for a VPN client a...

How merge module upgrades?

I can find plenty of info on how msi upgrades. E.g. info about minor upgrade, small upgrade, major upgade, and their use case and limitations. However, I cannot find info on the upgrade behavior of merge module, such as: It seems like msm does not have any way to specify minor, small, or major upgrade. So which way it behaves in? Does ...

Updating pre-requisites from MSI

I'm having an MSI installing MS VC runtime using merge modules. Microsoft has published an update for the MS VC runtime and also for the merge modules. Just replacing the new MSMs in the MSI doesn't seem to update the runtime on the client system. Does the MSI have to be a minor or even major update? Or is there something different to ...

Change Video Depth Setting of the Network Services Account

We're running into issue where the Network Services account that ASP.NET uses has a video depth of 16. We need it to be 32. This affects image decoders that use hardware (annoyingly). Not being a "device" person I'm not sure how to go about changing this setting from an installer. Any help is appreciated. ...

WiX: application installed can only work when runas administrator in windows7

I am a beginner of Wix, I make a msi, and install it in windows7,but the application only work correctly when runas administrator. Can somebody give me some suggest? ...

How can my UnInstaller tell it's being called during a version upgrade?

Hello everyone, We are using VS2008 native Installer to set up our product. During both installation and product removal, we use Custom Actions to ask the user if he would like to keep his existing DB and settings (if detected). The arises when the user is upgrading: the Installer starts, recognizes there is a previous version installed...

c# winapp add app.config to installer?

Okay I've got my app.config file that is containing my database settings. All works well on my development machine. But when I install it on a test machine I'm getting a null reference on the following line: ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyDBConn"].ToString(); Why is this happening? I guess that the app.c...

How does the savedState Dictionary work in the Installer?

I'm struggling to find documentation on how the stateSaver/savedState Dictionary works for the Windows Installer, in the Install and UnInstall overrides, can someone help. In my installers CustomAction I've been writing to registry entries, each time I do I add some of it's detail to the stateSaver. I had presumed this was taken into ac...

How can I change the text color and size in install script?

How can I change the text color and size in install script [install shield project]? I want to change message[szMsg] color and size in the welcome dialog box[SdWelcome]. Message is a warning message to grab the user attention so I am willing to to red and bold ? How can I do this ? Any guide ? ...

Web Setup Project not working

'The installer was interrupted before [project name] could be installed. You need to restart the installer to try again.' I just moved to Win7, and I cannot get the .msi files to install from my Web Setup Projects that are built on that machine. The same projects build and work fine on my other Windows XP, IIS6, VS 2008 SP1 machine. ...

Installers with shared subinstallers?

We build a bunch of products that all have a similar structure, and in fact share installed subdirectories, documentation and various system configuration variables (environment variables, start menu items, ...) We've been using InstallShield. It works, but it is incredibly painful to configure a product installer one mouse click at a ...

Should a Windows Installer MSI include the .NET framework?

I'm creating an installer for my Windows client application. Currently I create an MSI (Windows Installer) file that contains the .NET 3.5 SP1 redistributable. My application is less than 10MB, but including the .NET framework will make the installer more than 100MB. That's a lot of extra bits to download. The .NET Framework keeps inc...

Windows installer wont overwrite file when reinstalling

Hi! In my windows installer project I place some files in the users "My documents" ... but when I uninstall the program the files stay in the directory and when I reinstall they do not get overwritten like I would like them to be. Any ideas on how to solve this? /P ...

Qt 4.5 third-party installer programs

Are there any good setup builders for Qt 4.5 projects on Windows? I have heard there is an installer that you just point at your Qt Creator project, and it figures out the dependancies and creates an .MSI setup file. I haven't located anything like that so far. What are others using? ...

Installer needs to distinguish Vista and XP

I need to install a USB driver for a device so that it is recognised by ActiveSync (under XP) or Mobile Device Center (under Vista). However the .INF file which needs to be installed for ActiveSync (XP) is different from the .INF file for MDC (Vista). So I need an installer which can determine if the target is XP or Vista and install th...

Add a file to an MSI

How can I add a file to a precompiled msi and configure it such that when I run the msi the file is put into the program's application directory? I can add a file as a stream to the msi using msidb.exe /a but when I run the installer the file doesn't show up anywhere. ...

Settings from a configuration file for InstallShield

I am new to InstallShield and i am trying to create my first installer. I have (i think) a couple of basic requirements that i am finding hard to obtain information one: Is there a way i can create a configuration file from which the installer reads information at the time of installation? These settings are unknown at the time of crea...

Deploy visual studio isolated shell app with chained installer

Hi, I have developed a visual studio isolated shell application. When deploying that application, I first have to make sure that the redistributables for the isolated shell are installed. I have the exe containing the redistributables (which can be executed as quite install) and my msi file. Now I need a setup.exe which chains these in...

Running an application after Visual Studio (vsproj) installer completes

I'm trying to create an installer in VisualStudio 2008 that will prompt the user with a "Run application when finished" checkbox. I was able to create the dialog with no problem: User Interface, select End, right-click, add dialog, CheckBoxes (A). I then tried adding a custom action to run my app. Again, no biggie: Custom Action...

Custom Installer class , rollback method never called.

Hi guys. I am having an installer class , Here is a snippet: [RunInstaller(true)] public partial class ServerWrapInstaller : Installer { public override void Install(IDictionary stateSaver) { EventLog.WriteEntry("Installer", "Install", EventLogEntryType.Information); base.Install(stateSaver); } public o...