
Windows Phone 7: Recommended menu control?

What is the best way to make a menu of options in wp7? (Not a context menu or app bar.) Currently I'm using a ListBox of strings, but I'm not sure if that's the way to go. I'm also not entirely sure how to make make the ListBox entries respond to tapping such that they navigate to another page. ...

Silverlight Windows Phone 7: How to add content to a PivotControl?

I have a pivot control: PivotItem sectionPivot = new PivotItem() { Header = sect.Name, Content = new StackPanel() }; How can I add content to it? Edit: The reason I'm doing it programmatically is because I don't know how many pivots there will be or what they will co...

How do you get the name of SignedInGamers on WP7 with XNA?

Is it possible to get the SignedInGamers name on WP7 like you do with the XBOX? I've tried testing it with: SignedInGamer gamer = Gamer.SignedInGamers[0]; gamer.DisplayName; But have only received a null value for the gamer object on the phone. Thanks Sebastian ...

How do I clear navigation history in Silverlight/Windows Phone 7?

I'm making a Windows Phone 7 app that has login/logout semantics (authenticating to a web app). When the user logs out I navigate back to the login screen and forget the session authentication. When doing so I'd also like to clear the navigation history so that can't go back to a page that expects them to be already authenticated. Can'...

OCR for Windows Phone 7

Does Windows phone 7 have an OCR API? ...

How do you bind to Xml in SilverLight/Windows Phone?

I am trying to use Linq to Xml and Xaml data binding in a Windows Phone app with no luck, following this example. I've got some Xaml that looks like this: <Image Source="{Binding Path=Element[image].Value, Converter={StaticResource UriBitmapConverter}}" Grid.Column="2" MaxWidth="75" HorizontalAlignment="Righ...

Can I use an interface as a type in my WCF client code?

I'm working on a Windows Phone 7 app using WCF for communications with my server. I've created a service and am able to communicate well, but I'm having trouble accessing an interface in the client code. For instance, in my server code I have something like this: [OperationContract] [ServiceKnownType(typeof(IField))] [ServiceKnownType...

Load xml file from website into XDocument (silverlight and WP7)

Hi, I have an xml file that I want to access in an WP7 and Silverlight app. Th exml file is on a webserver and I want to access is through So I want to use this url to load the xml file into an XDocument; Any ideas, thanks, Filip ...

Silverlight: How can I set the height correctly in XAML?

I am trying to make a control that displays a news item. There is an image that will be given in any size, but the control can crop to a square. There is also a headline and teaser. The headline and image will be on the same vertical level. The teaser will be beneath them: I want the control to stretch vertically to accommodate any ...

Silverlight: Difficulty with ScrollViewer

I'm making a wp7 Silverlight app. I have a ScrollViewer that contains a ListBox of ten elements. However, it only lets me scroll down a tiny bit. What could I be doing wrong? <ScrollViewer> <ListBox x:Name="StoryListBox"/> </ScrollViewer> The ListBox is filled with items of the following type: <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" ...

Silverlight ListBox ItemTemplate: Make certain elements visible when item is selected

In a Windows Phone 7 Silverlight application, I have this ListBox: <ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Programs}" > <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <StackPanel> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Begin, Converter={Stati...

Eloquera DB on Windows Phone 7 / WP7?

Has anyone tried using Eloquera DB on WP7? Besides the question of whether it actually works under WP7, how is the performance (if it actually works)? Are there alrernative object-based DBs that anyone can recommend for use with WP7 applications? ...

Silverlight 3 Mobile (WP7) - PathGeometry issue, please help!

Hello, in Silverlight 3 for Mobile, how do I get at a Path's figure points, so I can ultimately get at it's Points (X, Y coordinates)? From what I've been reading, it sounds like the tree structures of the PathGeometry isn't stored in Silverlight 3 for Mobile (I'm doing this for WP7)... Is there another way around this? All I want is th...

ZipLibrary For Windows Phone 7

Hi There, Im downloading zip files and placing them in isoilated storage on windows phone 7. Is there an API or library that allows me to un zip the files? Really appreciate advice on this. Tony ...

Custom slider with an image or path.

Hi, I have a slider in my WP7 app that I would like to restyle. Im having a problem with default template I made something like this but I cannot "bind" the thumb to the value. <Style x:Key="ThumbStyle1" TargetType="Thumb"> <Setter Property="Template"> <Setter.Value> <ControlTemplate TargetType...

installing app in development on retail phone

Can I use a retail phone to test apps I'm developing for wp7? ...

Is a mobile subscription necessary to test apps on an actual Windows Phone 7 device?

I am planning on purchasing the new HTC phone running Windows Phone 7, and am planning on using it for development purposes only; however, I can't afford the expensive subscription to T-mobile's data network at the moment. Is a cellular subscription necessary to use the phone for application testing purposes; or can I just use my WiFi ne...

How to set the Application Bar no to be displayed or to show another buttons in different pages in Windows Phone 7?

Hi everyone! I was messing around with this windows phone 7 application bar when I noticed that even setting a different application bar in XAML wouldn't make it change through different application pages (which is quite annoying I have to say). My intention is to use this bar with some buttons that change according to the page being dis...

How to send email with an attachment using Windows Phone 7 API?

My WP7 application requirement is to send the email with an attachment and use device default SMTP settings. I have tried EmailComposeTask class but it doesn't have any member for attachment. The other idea, i am thinking is to upload the file on server and then send the email from that server. What you think if there is no way to sen...

[WP7][MVVM Light toolkit] Button Command raised too early, before binding when using mvvm-light toolkit

Hi all, I'm using the mvvm-light toolkit in my windows phone 7 application. I have in my view : <TextBox Height="78" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="108,33,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="313" Text="{Binding MyValue, Mode=TwoWay}" /> <Button Content="Go" Height="78" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="127,252,0,0" Name="button1...