
Designing a service for consumption on multiple mobile platforms

I am building and designing a (mostly) read-only interface to some data. I'll be uing ASP.NET MVC to build a psudo-restful API. I'm wondering if anyone can provide some resources for building full-client applications for various mobile platforms, iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, etc. I'm thinking that serving up XML data is ...

Using MVVM Light messaging instead of query strings in Windows Phone

Hi All, I am trying to use MVVM light messaging to send a value from one page to another during Navigation (for example, send the id of an item that was selected to an edit page). So the list page's viewmodel sends a message and then sends a navigation message to the view which redirects to the edit page. The edit page's viewmodel get...

Does Windows Phone 6.5 Support XNA and Silverlight?

Thank you...... ...

Windows Phone 7 not reading dutch localization strings

I am trying to localize an app in Dutch, but the emulator doesn't seem to pick up and recognize the Dutch versions of my resource strings. I have a base Strings.resx file with the english translations. Then, I have with the Dutch translations. I also have,, and When I cha...

Is it somehow possible to read a .rar or a .zip file inside the windows phone 7? How?

I'm trying to create a Windows Phone 7 application, using either Silverlight or XNA, but I can't figure out how to do such thing, that would be part of the idea of the app. If it is not possible, is there any kind of format that does something similar to that? Thanks in advance! ...