
Windows Service Account Requirements?

I have a Windows Service that requires the ability to query AD, as well as open a TCP port. Previously, I had it running as my own personal domain account that was setup as a local administrator on the server. Later, IT required that it run as it's own account (makes sense), and we tried to duplicate the account setup. When reconfiguri...

What's a good way of connecting a Windows service with an interactive window (HWND) ?

I have two pieces of Windows technology which I'd like to plumb together: a TSP (a TAPI service provider) and an API wrapped around some hardware. The API accepts requests synchronously but returns success/fail/status result asynchronously by sending messages to a passed-down HWND. As I understand it, the problem is that because a TSP r...

about windows services

Hello, i have two questions: can windows services register to receive SENS network events because my service just stops when i try to do it. after the service onStart() method has been called, if no seperate Timer or thread is started, does the service stop ?? NOTE: i am using C# services to implement my service thanx, AB ...

How to start a notify icon

Hi I have a windows service application running on users local computers. I also have a application updater app which is invoked by the service to check if there are any latest updates avaliable. If there are then I would like to pop up a notification on the task bar to notify the user that there are updates avaliable. The user can click...

Substring error though not using substring.

I have the following code: public static long CreateVendorsEmailJob(List<Recipient> recipients, string subject, string body) { long emailJobId; using (var connection = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnection"].ConnectionString)) { connection.Op...

How can i change the name of windows service?

I have a windows service application developed in c#, The same service needs to be run with different config files. To run on these on the same machine i would need to change the name of the service. I can create multiple copies of the solution, but not sure how to change the names of the service. Thanks ...

System.Threading.Timer's Dispose method does not work with ManualResetEventSlim?

I have the following code for a sample console app to simulate a Windows Service. class Program { private Timer timer; private object syncRoot = new object(); private bool stopSignalled = false; private ManualResetEventSlim mre = new ManualResetEventSlim(false); static void Main(string[] args) { Program p...

c# Granting "Log On As Service" permission to a windows user

how do I grant a user the LogOnAsService right for a service? I need to do this manually, in the services.msc app I can go to the service, change the password (setting the same that there was before), click apply and I get a message: The account .\postgres has been granted the Log On As Service right. How do I do this from code,...

how to run a long running process in a windows service?

Hi, can someone let me know how to run a long running process from a windows service (in C#)? the process may take hours to finish. the service should check the database for any pending jobs to execute. each job can take any long to finish. if there are no pending jobs, then it should sleep for 2mins (configurable) and then start again. ...

Hosting non web based application in IIS 7

I have heard that you can host non-web based applications in IIS7 similar to windows services. Basically I want a C# app that is just a process running all the time to perform a specific function. I want to create a process that connects to the database at an interval and does some work. I would like this whole app to be housed inside ...

Debugging a Windows Service and trying to see what it sees

Hi, We currently have an automated system that runs as a service for processing satellite images. This service maintains a configuration file, in the configuration file we apply certain scripts(python) to covnert the input satellite imagery into a more usable format. The scripts call the required applications, for the conversion proces....

Windows Service AutoStart

consider a windows service with a setup project , now how can i force the windows service to start after it finish the Installation? i tried to add project installer and in the commited even i started the service but that would only work if i used InstallUtil im looking for a way to make it while using the Setup Project... any idea ? ...

Granting remote user (non admin) the ability to enumerate services in Win32_Service in namespace cimv2 using WMI & C#

I'm creating a watch dog service that will be monitoring other services on various remote servers (all in the same domain). The user that I'm using to connect to the remote servers is not an admin. When I try to enumerate the services in the Win32_Service class, I get an access denied error. I've given the user 'Remote Enable' & 'Ena...

How can I get the installed directory for a C++ Windows Service?

I have a C++ Windows service, and I would like to access an executable in the same directory as the service's executable (via the system function). I'd imagine to do this I'll need to find that directory, so that I can refer to the target executable's path. How can I find the directory in which the service is installed, in code? ...

How to determine if network interface is connected to the Internet (i. e. the computer is online)

Hi, I need a way to determine internet availability programmatically. At now i use Ping to constantly ping some internet site. But it seems Windows 7 though determines internet availability in some other way. If computer is online there is earth icon on the network interface icon in the System Tray. The question is: is there any stand...

Windows service and Nhibernate

I have a Windows service which has a timer and in the timer_Elapsed event handler a method from another component will be called which is supposed to look into db and get or update some records.This process will happen every 2 minutes.I used nhibernate for data access in the component. When I run the method from unit test it is working f...

Gracefully stop a Timer callback worker thread

I am using System.Threading.Timer in my Windows service and locking the callback method using Monitor.TryEnter, so it's non-reentrant. Inside the callback, I am looping over some database objects (Linq to SQL entities) and performing some IO tasks. On each iteration of the loop, I am changing some properties of entity to flag it as proce...

Why does this Python service stop by itself in spite of an infinite loop?

Hi, I managed to install a Python script as a service using this recipe at ActiveState: win-services-helper. In order to get much use out of it, I included the business end of my program by replacing lines 99 - 100: 95 class Test(Service): 96 def start(self): 97 self.runflag=True 98 while self.runflag: ...

installutil bindingRedirect

I have a windows service that depends on a 3:rd party API The API is already installed in the GAC on the client computer There are several versions of the API (, etc) My service works with all versions of the API I use a bindingRedirect tag in the app.config file which works fine when running the service. Problem is t...

net start winmgmt

Hi, when i try to start the service and type net start winmgmt in the command promt, i get a response saying the service name is invalid. Is there anyway i can start this? Thanks ...