
Python Firewall for Windows?

I am wanting to write a custom firewall for my win XP Pro SP2 computer. I would like to do it in Python, but I'm not exactly sure how. I would like it to block everything in and out of the computer until I approve it. How would this be done? ...

Increase in memory footprint. False alarm or a memory leak?

I have a graphics program where I am creating and destroying the same objects over and over again. All in all, there are 140 objects. They get deleted and newed such that the number never increases 140. This is a requirement as it is a stress test, that is I cannot have a memory pool or dummy objects. Now I am fairly certain there aren't...

Java service can't list files in directories

Hello everyone. I'm doing a Windows Service in Java, this service list the files in a directory and write the results in a file. My problem is that when i call Java.File.isDirectory() when the service is running it always results false (It works well when i run the service manually as any other program). Besides, if i try the following: ...

Find and eject a USB device based on its VID/PID

I want to send an eject command to a specific USB device identified by it's VID and PID. I can find the device by using SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo() and SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty() and matching the VID/PID numbers in the HARDWAREID string but that's as far as I've got. I have a SP_DEVINFO_DATA struct and a HDEVINFO handle. How would I...