I want to create a winform application in c# that uses a rich UI or better controls than the default windows controls. One example of the UI that comes to mind is that of main screen of latest edition of AVG free antivirus software (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:AVG_Internet_Security.png).
Any idea of how a similar UI could be desi...
I have some tab controls on a windows form. For each of these tabs I might want to be able to sort by the column header, apply a filter, change the order that the columns are displayed in, and also add additional columns from a predetermined list.
The question I have is using Windows Form (Current Implementation) or making the tab...
I have a .NET MDI application that uses the MDI Window List to automatically populate child MDI forms into the Window menu.
Is it possible to prevent certain MDI child forms not be included in this automatic menu list?
- This child form has to be an MDI child.
- This forms is always at the bottom of the MDI form stack.
Is there any way to print HTML page in WinForms without using IE? Some our customers have problems with IE8 at Windows XP and I want to implement printing without dependence on IE.
How do I get the current line and column numbers in a RichTextBox in a Winforms application?
Folks, I just want a simple solution, if it's available by someone and he's willing to share it with us, and not links to do research! Just give me some code please! Otherwise, I'll have to buy a control...
ETA: I have a similar, smaller, problem here which, I suspect, is related to this problem.
I have a class which has a readonly property that holds a collection of components (* not quite, see below). At design time, it's possible to select from the components on the design surface to add to the collection. (Think imagelist, but instead ...
Is there a variable or a preprocessor constant that allows to know that the code is executed within the context of VS Studio ?
(I've answered the question below with a hack. I'm fairly confident in it unless MS change the way that codedom serializers the designer code.)
I've worked out what is going on. I wondered why sometimes it would work and not others. It boils down to the name that I give to the internal property and the collection.
If I rename th...
How can I open the DateTime Picker C# control programmatically?
I want to show the Calender in the Datetime Picker control by sending keys to the control.
Is there a way we can do that?
ASP.NET has a reorderlist control
Is there anything equivalent (control, source code, ...) in Winform ?
I have a form, frmPleaseWait, that has a MarqueeProgressBar and a Label that I want to use when the UI is loading the data in a poorly structured app we have.
The problem is that frmPleaseWait.Show() shows the form but not the controls in it. It is just a white rectangle. Now frmPleaseWait.ShowDialog() shows the child controls but d...
How is data binding in C# WinForms supposed to work when you have a Save button? I don't want the data updated until I press Save!
I have two forms (list and detail) backed by a BindingList<T> collection and my custom object from that collection, respectively. I can bind each form to the list or object appropriately. However, any change...
I have an application in vb.net that starts with a sub function do some things and decide if it shows itself or not. When it shows itself it do so by invoking dialog.ShowDialog().
When dialog.ShowDialog returns the application does some cleaning and end.
I'd like to find a way to temporarily hide the dialog (send it to the system tray)...
I'm utilizing the code posted by Jesper Palm here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/280891/make-user-control-display-outside-of-form-boundry
/// <summary>
/// A simple popup window that can host any System.Windows.Forms.Control
/// </summary>
public class PopupWindow : System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown
private System.Window...
I have started to research for a printing component in our windows.forms based project. I want to benefit from your experiences. There are some popular reporting tools in .net world such as crystal report, active reports, xtrareports etc. Could you say advantages and disadvantages of these tools or other tools you suggest?
I have html tables in one webpage like
<table border=1>
<table border=1>
Pls help! i am trying to make a zoom effect on a picturebox by mouse wheel.Everything is ok except that when i use mouse middle button to zoom in or zoom out it is ok but it does not zoom in or zoom out the point which the mouse cursor on.when i zoom in the point what i want it always slide .Pls help me to add a snippet code to make i...
Hey all,
I posted a similar topic for RoR, but didn't know how to edit my tags, so I'm making a new one for C#...
I'm looking for a HTML editor which can be integrated in a C# app that has the possibility to create forms.
Not forms per se, but I need the possibility to add radiobuttons, input fields, checkboxes and so on.
There are many ...
I have a custom Order class, groups of which are stored in List<Order> and a DataGridView. I think the problem is in my implementation so here's how I'm using it:
In the form enclosing DataGridView (as OrdersDataGrid):
public partial class MainForm : Form
public static List<Order> Orders;
public MainForm()
// ...
I want to use L2E since it s very convenient to my company's apps, I created a demo project, the demo does run on every machine but when I, lets say, press a button that has some code that uses the entity I get this error:
specified store provider cannot be found in the configuration, or is not valid.
note that I get ...