
Is there an IDE that provides code completion for Python

I am quite fond of the Intellisense code completion baked into Microsoft Visual Studio. I find that I only type 2 to 4 characters of any given keyword which drasticaly speeds up my coding. Now that I have been spending time writing some Python code I find myself reaching for ctrl+space. Are there any IDEs that support code completion i...

How should I setup the Wing IDE for use with IronPython

Here is a screen where I should point the Wing IDE to my python files. I am using IronPython. Am I assuming correctly that textbox one gets filled with ipy.exe ? (proper path provided) What should be in the rest of the boxes ? ...

How can I deal with No module named edit.editor ?

I am trying to follow the WingIDE tutorial on creating scripts in the IDE. This following example scripts always throws an error: import wingapi def test_script(test_str): app = wingapi.gApplication v = "Product info is: " + str(app.GetProductInfo()) v += "\nAnd you typed: %s" % test_str wingapi.gApplication.ShowMessageDialog(...

Getting Wing IDE to stop catching the exceptions that wxPython catches

I started using Wing IDE and it's great. I'm building a wxPython app, and I noticed that Wing IDE catches exceptions that are usually caught by wxPython and not really raised. This is usually useful, but I would like to disable this behavior occasionally. How do I do that? ...

Making Wing IDE wrap lines on one file

I have one file in my project, (the readme file,) which I would like Wing IDE to display with wrapped lines. Is it possible? ...

Python: wingIDE syntax highlighting customization

Hello, I'm using the free version of wingIDE. I am trying to customize individual syntax highlighting colors (comments, strings, constants, normal text, etc). I see the generic color changes for 'background,selected text", etc, but nothing that lets me get down to specifics. Is this a limitation of the free version or is the option hidd...

Is there an Eclipse personality settings for Wing IDE?

While PyDev turns out to be a great IDE for python, especially if you are a former Java developer accustomed to all the eclipse ubercool navigation, it still lacks some features that Wing has, like GUI for running python unit-tests. I know Wing has some "personalities" of other editors: vi, emacs, Visual Studio, ... Unfortunately, Eclip...

Useful features of WingIDE?

I'm trying out WingIDE as a Python IDE. What are the most useful features? ...

Google App Engine development server is slow to start up when using WingIDE

I'm developing on Google App Engine. I am using WingIDE (a python IDE) to debug on the development server. I have several thousand entities in my datastore and I can see that when the development server starts up, it has to go through DatastoreFileStub.Read() and do something which each entity. The problem is, when I run the development...