
How to see saved wireless password, on iPod touch/iPhone?

Is there a way to see, on iPod touch, saved password, for wireless previously used? ...

Using Cocoa / Objective-C, get currently connected network's security type in Mac OS X

How do I get the security type (and other information) of the currently connected network in Airport in my Objective-C / Cocoa program? ...

USB RF Receiver Mouse Hacking

How do wireless mice work, as in technically, the RF Receiver you plug in via USB (PnP)? I want to know how I would go about accessing the data section of the receiver and see either the actual code involved in sending information to the OS driver, or see the drivers involved to go about decompilation. ...

Android acting as a wifi server?

I am working on a few devices that need to send raw data to an android device wirelessly (wifi). The android devices needs to be able to support multiple devices so I figured a server is best. Is there a way to have the android device act as kind of a router/server access node by producing its own LAN network? Any pointers appreciated, ...

Create a wireless Network in Ubuntu 10.04?

Hello., Whenever i need to copy some files and couldnt find a pen drive, [ i dont have bluetooth enabled in my lap], I create a new ad hoc (wireless) network in windows and share the necessary files on the network and share files with the other system. Now, i want to do the same with Ubuntu. But, i couldn't. I could create a new networ...

Jist/swans debug problem.

Hi StackOverFlowians, I am working on JiST/SWANS, Java-based discrete event simulator, in Eclipse. Moreover, in Vanet.info (http://vanet.info/node/14) extensions and improvements for JiST/SWANS have been developed. I used all the instructions(http://vanet.info/node/119) in Vanet info to prepare my simulation environment. There is n...