
How can I change the font colour and type of a string in WiX in one of the standard dialogs?

Is there a simple way to change the font colour and (preferably) font type for one of the strings in one of the standard UI dialogs in Wix? I'd prefer not to copy and paste the entire dialog source code into my file. For example, in the welcome dialog I want to keep WelcomeDlgTitle and WelcomeDlgDescription the same, just change the fo...

Wix: Add a sequential registry key

I am writing an installer using Wix 3 which installs a plugin to a 3rd party application. The application uses a group of registry keys to detect installed plugins. Each plugin is required to add a new subkey with a numerical name from 0-9 to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Vendor\App\Plugins. The key contains a single string value whi...

WiX installer design options for bootstrapper and seamless updating

I have an app that on first installer run needs a boostrapper where you can choose the language of the installed app, install .net framework if it's not there yet and some other prerequisites. I've taken a look at the WiX How To: Install the .NET Framework Using a Bootstrapper but I don't see how to use this for other custom prerequ...

Install Microsoft KB951608 with WIX

Hi, On our server (win 2008 r2) we enabled the setting "force network authentication" to enforce that the client must support the NLA, because the port 3389 is directly reachable from the internet. But on Windows XP SP3 the NLA seems to be disabled per default. As I wrote an installer with WIX to distribute the rdp files, I'd also like ...

Generating an executable using wix

Hi everybody: I am learning Wix and I want to generate a setup.exe file instead of a setup.msi. Is that possible? Regards, Ernesto ...

WiX - how to create bin subdirectory?

I'm missing something obvious. How do you put the .dll's in a subdirectory called "bin" under your install directory? I'm trying to follow this tutorial: http://www.tramontana.co.hu/wix/lesson5.php#5.3 to deploy a WCF web service. So I need to copy the .svc files and the .bin files, along with a few other, but starting with just thes...

Wix create non advertised shortcut for all users / per machine

In WIX, how do you create a non advertised shortcut in the allusers profile? So far I've only been able to accomplish this with advertised shortcuts. I prefer non-advertised shortcuts because you can go to the shortcut's properties and use "find target". In the tutorials I've seen use a registry value for the keypath of a shortcut. T...

WiX undefined preprocessor variable

I'm starting to use WiX in order to do automated builds to create msi's of my c# projects and am experiencing the error "Undefined preprocessor variable '$(var.MyProject.TargetDir)'" I am using the latest WiX v3.0.5419. Inside my wxs file I am trying to use pre-processor variables that are listed on this webpage (http://blogs.msdn.com/j...

Deleting XML elements in WiX

How do you delete/remove an element from an XML file in WiX? ...

WiX: Calling Custom Action on Merge Module only if Feature is selected

I have a WiX installer which has 3 Projects. 2 Creates Merge Moduels, 1 Creates the installer. The code in the mergemodules should only be executed if the corresponding feature is selected. Is there any chance to get this to work with custom actions? From my experience the custom actions are always called - wether or not a certain feat...

Howto use configurable Merge Modules in Wix?

AFAIK it's done like this: Product: <Merge Id ="HelpInstaller" SourceFile="HelpInstaller.msm" Language="1033" DiskId="1"> <ConfigurationData Name="SurpressInstallation_Config" Value="&amp;HelpFeature"/> </Merge> Merge Module: <Property Id="SupressInstallation" Value='0' /> <Substitution ...

Wix Howto determine if a directory exists during installation?

Is their any chane in wix to determine if a certain directory exits when the installer is running? I guess i have to use some sort of custom action, unfortunatelly i don't know how! Furthermore i want to store the result of the costom action in a property and use this as an condition for calling another custom action. Is this possible? ...

Best practice for harvesting COM file file to WiX fragment

I have made a dynamic deployment project based on WiX 3.0, that uses mainly HEAT to consume directories in dynamic way (files + DLL that need to be registered). The question is that i don't understand what attribute should i use in heat in term of the COM, Should i use "-SCOM" or not (what does it effect e.g. patching) thanks ...

wix and iis - unable to update metabase error

Hi I have a wix project that installs a web site (MVC2) to an existing web site the user selects. This works fine on my machine (of course) but the client is getting the following error on there test vm's: Action 16:08:03: ConfigureIIsExec. Action 16:08:03: WriteMetabaseChanges. Installing Metabase Keys and Values WriteMetabaseChange...

Wix: How to create a desktop shortcut pointing to a virtual drive under Computer

I would like to add a shortcut on the desktop which points to a virtual drive mounted under "Computer". This drive doesn't have a letter associated with it. I've successfully added a link to an executable, but all tries with Explorer has failed. When I add this shortcut manually it gets the following shortcut (in properties): Computer\My...

Is it possible to have Publisher (Manufacturer) of installation (MSI) be dynamic according to property

When we deploy our products using OEM we have a requirement that our company name will not appear in the Publisher property of the installation in the add remove / other. although we have easy way of choosing neutral name for the publisher we would love to be able to set the name dynamic according to property for the installation (and al...

Is there a way to set a preprocessor variable to the value of a property?

I have a WiX include file with the following code <Fragment Id="PropertyFragment"> <Property Id="DynamicLanguageCode" Value="[SystemLanguageID]" /> <?define productLanguage = [DynamicLanguageCode]?> </Fragment> Now in my Product tag in my WiX script I'd like to set the Language attribute to the value of productLanguage, as it onl...

WIX automation and patch behavior once registeration of DLL is changed

I have basic issue that i don't understand, we use HEAT to consume directory of artifacts that part of them are COM DLL. As part of the crated WXS file i see that there are elements for registry like: <Component Id="cmpAE50B39B8817E1840F09193686006FFA" Guid="*"> <File Id="fil7BDB953AB6AAEC9E98E28F49D87BABA3" KeyPath="yes" Source="Sou...

Using WiX how do I disable/enable controls based on property change?

I'm having a bit of a brain melt at the moment where I have a WiX Combobox and when I change the selection I want to disable/enable other UI controls. <ComboBox Property="SQLAUTHTYPE"> <ListItem Value="WindowsAuth" Text="Windows Authentication" /> <ListItem Value="SqlAuth" Text="SQL Authentication" /> </ComboBox> That is w...

How to remove a COM+ application using WIX3.0?

Hi, I have scoured the internet, and not found anything about how to do this. Essentially, we are replacing an old VB6 COM+ application with a .NET one. We are using WIX to install our new .NET application. As part of this installation, we need to remove the old COM+ components. I can see plenty of information on how to install COM+ ...