
StAX XML formatting in Java

Is it possible using StAX (specifically woodstox) to format the output xml with newlines and tabs, i.e. in the form: <element1> <element2> someData </element2> </element1> instead of: <element1><element2>someData</element2></element1> If this is not possible in woodstox, is there any other lightweight libs that can do this? ...

Can I can configure cxf to use a specific XML parser?

Is there a way to specify which XML parser cxf uses? Either through the cfx.xml file or programmatically? Our app has the Woodstox parser on its classpath, and cxf seems to be using that by default. However, the Woodstox implementation seems to truncate large Base64 encoded byte arrays in the SOAP packet. Removing Woodstox from the c...

XMLEventWriter: how can I tell it to write empty elements?

I do not see an option within javax.xml.stream.XMLEventWriter or javax.xml.stream.XMLOutputFactory to set either up in a way so that empty elements are written (instead of explicit start and end element pairs). I see that Woodstox has a property to do this, but it is not standardized. Am I missing any obvious way to do this? ...

How to choose an implementation sjsxp and wstx if both of them are in the classpath

Axis2 relies on woodstox's wstx while other part of my project has tested heavily with sjsxp and we can't afford to rerun the same test. Now, there is a problem with parsing SOAP message with axis2 that if I take away sjsxp, the problem is gone. Is there a way to tell axis2 to use the wstx implementation and leave the rest of the proje...

How should I use Stax2 Validation API against a W3 Schema

I am using com.ctc.wstx.stax.WstxOutputFactory to generate XML. I am running wstx-asl-3.2.4 I need to start validating the generated XML against a W3 Schema. When I create an instance of org.codehaus.stax2.validation.XMLValidationSchemaFactory like this private final static XMLValidationSchemaFactory xsdFact= XMLValidationSchemaF...

Comparison between woodstox and sjsxp

Has anyone used the Stax implementation by Woodstox http://woodstox.codehaus.org and sjsxp https://sjsxp.dev.java.net/. I encountered a wierd issue with sjsxp http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3869770/xmlstreamreader-not-reading-complete-text-value and tried woodstox which resolved my earlier issue. I wanted to confirm with you guys if...

Woodstox stax and java stax conflict

I'm facing a weird runtime conflict between Woodstox STAX and java 1.6 STAX implementation. Since I'm using CXF,its pulling Woodstox jar as part of its dependency. Here's a sample code I'm using. import javax.xml.stream.XMLEventReader; import javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory; import javax.xml.stream.events.Attribute; import javax.xml.st...