
How do I activate word wrapping in text editor in Aptana Studio?

How do I activate line wrapping in text editor in Aptana Studio? I'm interested about wrapping in view mode (in order to not have to do horizontal scrolling). ...

Wrapping of comma separated data in bash to a fixed line length

Hi I would like to wrap the following comma separated data: -X, run, abs, absolute, accept, accept, alarm, schedule, atan2, arctangent, bind, binds, binmode, prepare, bless, create, caller, get, chdir, change, chmod, changes, chomp, remove, chop, remove, chown, change, chr, get, chroot, make, close, close, closedir, close, connect, conn...

How to implement wordwrap on jqGrid which works on IE7, IE8 and FF

How to implement wordwrap on jqGrid which works on IE7, IE8 and FF, while also having column-resize work (grid aligns correctly). Tried to innerwrap content on each td with a div of specific width (based on initial TH width), but colresize will not work on the divs I've inserted. jqGrid calculates the widths of the resized TH and adjace...

vim command to restructure/force text to 80 columns

I know there are ways to automatically set the width of text in vim using set textwidth (like http://stackoverflow.com/questions/235439/vim-80-column-layout-concerns). What I am looking for is something similar to = (the indent line command) but to wrap to 80. The use case is sometimes you edit text with textwidth and after joining lines...

Algorithm for Text Wrapping Within a Shape

I am looking for an algorithm to wrap text within a non-rectangular shape, preferably based on the Knuth and Plass algorithm. The hardest part of this is that the lines may have different heights due to differing font sizes in the text. The image below is an example of what the algorithm should be able to generate. Thanks for any hel...

Can I use the browser's word-wrapping from JavaScript?

I have some text in a div. It can be any Unicode text under the sun, including Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Now, I need to take this text and word-wrap it in JavaScript in some efficient but correct manner. Then I need to insert a ">" at the start of every line, and put the resulting text into a textarea. Browsers have an implementati...

Indicate word wrap in textarea.

I have textarea with rows="50" and cols="15". I want when it's going to wrap the words to simulate enter pressing,because I check when the user goes to new row with keydown and e.which==13 ,but the word wrap prevents me to check this. edit: Because I want to try to make something like online editor ,and I dynamicly count the rows like Be...

How to wrap panel output in IntelliJ?

I recently converted to IntelliJ, love it. How do I get panels, such as log output, IDETalk, etc. to wrap their contents? ...

Automatic newline in textarea

Using jQuery, how can I make a textarea that automatically adds a new line when inserting text when the cursor is near the end. The width of the textarea is dynamically done via CSS (e.g., #myTextArea { width: 80%; }) so I can't do anything like counting the characters in each line. I don't need a non-JS solution since the content of t...

Enablind and Disabling word wrap automatically on different file extensions on Vim

I usually have to read .txt files with long lines, and at the same time edit some source file, and I like to see word wrap on the .txt files, and not in the ones that aren't. Of course I can :set wrap and :set linebreak, but is there any way to make it automatucally, and dependent of the file extension? ...

Flex 4 richeditabletext word wrap

Hello, I'm trying to word wrap a richeditable text but I'm having some problems: I want it to wrap vertically so I can avoid the horizontal scrollbar. The Air app only has a spark list and the itemrenderer used is this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:ItemRenderer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" ...

How to disable word-wrap of NSTextView?

NSTextView does word-wrap by default. How can I disable this? I'm making a JSON code viewer, so I have to disable this. ...

netbeans 6.8 word wrap

Does anyone knows of a way to wordwrap in NetBeans 6.8? I have been looking around and I can't find a solution for that problem, yet it is really hard to believe that such a basic feature is still missing in NetBeans. I like very much working in NetBeans, but not having wordwrap prompts me to add hard returns inside my code where they...

Facebook like status input

Is there a ready similar input like the status input in Facebook? I mean, they use a contenteditable div, and they've wrapped it all pretty good. They can resize it (on focus/blur), an it continues word-wrapping and expanding, and when you type a really long word in their input, which can't be wrapped, it stays inside the div and doesn't...

Reformatting text (or, better, LaTeX) in 80 colums in SciTE

I recently dived into LaTeX, starting with the help of a WYSIWYM editor like Lix. Now I'm staring writing tex files in Sci-TE, It already has syntax higlighting and I adapted the tex.properties file to work in Windows showing a preview on Go [F5] One pretty thing Lyx does, and it's hard to acheive with a common text editor, is to format...

Height problem with automatic word wrapping in MXTreeItemRenderer in a flex tree

With the default TreeItemrenderer it is possible to enable automatic word wrapping depending on the tree width by setting wordWrap=true and variableRowHeight="true" in the tree control. I would like to enable this behavior in a MXTreeItemRenderer (a wrapper for using spark components as mx itemrenderer). I used the MXTreeItemRenderer cr...

GWT FocusPanel word-wrap/resize

Hey there- Okay so here's the situation. I have a HorizontalSplitPanel with a AbsolutePanel on the left. Within this AbsolutePanel I have a tree structure, where each node is a unique FocusPanel. Is there a quick and easy way to have these FocusPanels act as if they were words, and would wrap if I move the horizontal divider over som...

Controlling Word Wrap in a container

I have a peculiar problem. I have an email group that pipes emails to a message board. The word wrap of the emails varies. In yahoo, the messages tend to fill the entire container on the message board. But in all other mail clients, only part of the container width is filled, because the original mail was wrapped. I want all of the email...

word wrap / line wrap option in Aptana Studio 3 Beta?

I have been searching for an hour and cannot seem to find any information whatsoever about a word wrap / line wrap option in the new Aptana Studio 3 Beta (aka RadRails 3 Beta). I can't find an option for it anywhere in the Preferences. The lack of a line wrap is killing my productivity. Can anyone shed some light on this please? I can't ...

How can I prevent line breaks between words and punctuation in Flex UITextField?

I am rendering html in a Flex 3.x UITextField. The problem I am facing now is that when punctuation is at the end of a word, it can sometimes be wrapped to the next line. For example: That which doesn't kill me makes me stronger ,so I became a developer. This seems like a bug in the algorithm to me. Is there a workaround? ...