
Overriding wp_get_archives for a theme in Wordpress

I am working my way through customizing the Worpress default theme. I came up against an issue of formatting archive links. The default theme uses wp_get_archives function defined in general-template.php. The output of the function is customisable, but not customisable enough for me. I can achieve everything I want to do by basically ...

Get The Category Name & Category Link Inside The Loop In WordPress

Is there a way to get the name of the category and the link to the category page separately inside the wordpress loop. I don't have the id of the category either and I wanna display images instead of category names therefore the_category() doesn't work for me. Thanks Appreciate all the answers.. ...

Wordpress Post order

I wanted to re-arrange my recent post in wordpress so they go Ascending/Descending. Here is my code: <ul> <?php query_posts('cat=3,4,5&posts_per_page=5&order=ASC'); foreach ($post as $post) ?> <li> <span class="date"><?php the_time('M j') ?></span> <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title()...

Showing recent post from a specific category

I wanted to show post from just recent post from a specific categories so far this is what I have but: <ul> <?php $number_recents_post = 5; $recent_posts = wp_get_recent_posts($number_recents_post); foreach($recent_posts as $post){ echo '<li><a href="' . get_permalink($post["ID"]) . '" title="Look '.$post["p...

Wordpress Custom loop with two types of posts with different amounts

I have a category names "notes", I need on every page of the loop to show up to 10 notes, and up to 4 regular posts. They both should be ordered by date. i.e. I posted 1 note, note A, 1 hour ago and another note, note b, 5 hours ago, I also posted to posts, post A and post B 2 hours ago. in my loop I want to see note A,post A,post B,no...

How to output permalink for term on WordPress posts in loop?

I have a series of posts within a custom post type which are all have a term within the taxonomy "collection." Each post is associated with no more than one term within the "collection" taxonomy. I want to create a link under each post that says something like "More in this Collection," how can I dynamically create a link to the term tha...