
Onshore work methods V Offshore Supplier work methods - how to strike a balance?

Any advice on the best way to strike a balance between the work methods of an offshore supplier and the work methods of a new onshore team? We have an offshore supplier with about 2 years who have their own working practices and methods. I was bought in as the first onshore developer for my company with the view to vetting the code tha...

Procedures before checking in to source control?

I am starting to get a reputation at work as the "guy who breaks the builds". The problem is not that I am writing dodgy code, but when it comes to checking my fixes back into source control, it all goes wrong. I am regularly doing stupid things like : forgetting to add new files accidentally checking in code for a half fixed bug al...

How to Encourage More Frequent Commits to SVN

A group of developers that I am working with switched from VSS to SVN about half a year ago. The transition from CheckOut-CheckIn to Update-Commit has been hard on a number of users. Now that they are no longer forced to check in their files when they are done (or more accurately, now that no one else can see that they have the file chec...

What's programmer's first reaction if SQA shoots a bug/issue with short description?

What's your first reaction when SQA shoots a bug/issue to you with short description? Do you have any rules for SQA's report at your company? Got any test case document or testing procedure ? ...

How to find the right balance between "quick & dirty" and "nice & general" code?

This is not a direct programming question, but a little help from the programming community would be appreciated. I am suffering from an overgeneralization disease. I can't stop spending valuable time with making my code most general and abstract. I could also call it the toolkit/library disease. I tend to turn every programming task i...