
Excel chart dynamic range-selection

I have a client that has a simple yet complicated request for an excel sheet setup, and I can't for the world thing of where to start. I'm drawing a blank. We have a data range. Example: Quarter Data 2010Q1 1 2010Q2 3 2010Q3 4 2010Q4 1 I have a chart built on top of that. Change data, chart changes, protec...

Excel 2005: Difference between two days, counting hour difference

Hi all - I've been trying to get this Excel function working correctly, and I've hit a wall. I'm trying to calculate the exact difference in days between two dates, taking the start time into account as well as the start day. Seems like this should be a common need? Example: Start Date End Date Expected ...

excel shared formula expansion

Hi. I am using the OpenXML libraries from C# to read Excel files. One of my requirements is to be able to show the exact formula for each cell that has one. The OpenXML encoded file uses "shared formulas" to reduce file size. Like this: D3 : <x:f t="shared" ref="D3:D6" si="1" >D2+C3</x:f><x:v >130</x:v> D4 : <x:f t="shared" si="1" />...

excel: is it possible to put a FOR statement as a formula within a cell?

can i do this =(For i=1 to 100, print i) is there a way to put a FOR statement inside a cell WITHOUT USING VBA? ...

Excel: Concatenate/retrieve cells that are across a merged key cell

Hello, Assume a simple sheet like so: ------------- | 1 | a | Need formula to return: "a,b,c" | |-----| | | b | | |-----| | | c | ------------- | 2 | a | Need formula to return: "a,b" | |-----| | | b | ------------- The first column is the merged key cells and the second column has an unknown ...

How can I use an Excel formula (no VBA) to retrieve a piece of data within an HTTP POST response?

Is there any way to craft an Excel hyperlink formula that would send an HTTP POST on click and parse the response to populate another cell? ...

VBA Search + Sum Problem "Complicated Algorithm" PLEASE HELP! (Tried Sum,CountIf,Dsum,SumProduct)

I have a hard equation I cant figure out, I'm hoping to make make up a Macro, any help appreciated. I have a Userform with a ComboBox "History_Select_Debtor" The RowSource for the ComboBox is "Debtor_list_Debtors" - A Dynamic Named Range on WorkSheet "DebtorList", It Consists of Customer Names from A2:A24 but will grow eventually. The ...

Is there any documentation of the behavior of built-in Excel functions called with array arguments?

Many of Excel's built-in functions can take array arguments. Sometimes the result is documented in the help and sometimes not. So: =IF({1,0,1}, 42, 99) will return {42, 99, 42}. The help for 'IF' covers array arguments. But: =INDEX({2,3,5,7,11}, {2,4}) will return {3, 7}. This is intuitive, but I can't find a Microsoft source that ...

Extract words from delimited string in Excel?

I need to extract specific words between semicolon with a condition that these words contains "@" which mean e-mails. Here is an example: A1 >> james john;Paris street;p.o. box:12345;tel.987654321;[email protected];usa B1 >> david eric;34th street;tel.543212345;[email protected];canada;ottawa ... and so on Notice that there are no specif...

generating Excel spreadsheets in perl that reference 3rd party add-in functions

I am trying to generate an xls file with Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel that calls a function that is defined in a third party add in (Bloomberg, if it matters). The underlying WriteExcel package does not let me write this out because it does not know about this add-in function. I see the giant hash table of built-in functions that the modul...

I'd like to copy data from multiple sheets/tabs to a Master sheet

What I have is a spreadsheet with over 100 tabs with relatively the same format of data, but some sheets have more or less rows than others. I have a sheet named EMP_NUM with all employee numbers and names. I have a Master sheet that I would like all the relative data copied to the Master sheet. The employee numbers listed on sheet EM...

Sumif Based on Multiple Criteria and Text Color

I am using a Macro to Sum up Values of a specific Debtor. It currently works fine but I need to add another Criteria; Range("DebtorList_Payed")=Application.SumIf(Range("InvoiceList_Table_ItmCode"), _ Range("Debtor_list_Debtors"), Range("InvoiceList_Price")) I have another Range on the Invoice List Worksheet called Range("InvoiceLis...