
pycurl WRITEDATA WRITEFUNCTION collision/crash

How do i turnoff WRITEFUNCTION and WRITEDATA ? using pycurl i have a class call curlUtil. In it i have pageAsString(self, url) which returns a string. To do this i setopt WRITEFUNCTION. Now in downloadFile(self, url, fn, overwrite=0) i do an open and self.c.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, 0) which cause problems. int is not a valid argueme...

sending control+c (SIGINT) to NSPIPE in objective-c

Hello, I am trying to terminate an openvpn task, spawned via NSTask. My question: Should I send ctrl+c (SIGINT) to the input NSPipe for my NSTask? inputPipe = [NSPipe pipe]; taskInput = [inputPipe fileHandleForWriting]; NSString dataString = @"\cC"; [taskInput writeData:[dataString dataUsingEncoding: [NSString defaultCStringEncoding]...