
How to use WSAAsyncSelect from WinAPI in C#?

Hello, I'm tired of the .NET BeginRead,EndRead stuff.I'd love to use WSAAsyncSelect the way I used to in Delphi/C++ //Async CallBack handler Declaration procedure MessageHandler(var Msg:Tmessage);Message WM_WINSOCK_ASYNC_MSG; //Where i setup the Async dwError := WSAAsyncSelect(Sock, form1.handle, WM_WINSOCK_ASYNC_MSG, FD_CLOSE or FD_R...

How to properly use WSAAsyncSelect?

Hello, I've asked here a ton of questions about WSAAsyncSelect and NET.Few months ago I even spent 500 rep on a bounty and answered it myself(I made a wrapper).In the end I got used to the winsock in the framework. Today I'm asking about unmanaged languages,the bad point is that I miss the framework way of doing things with sockets.I'm...

Winsock WSAAsyncSelect sending without an infinite buffer

Hi, This is more of a design question than a specific code question, I'm sure I am missing the obvious, I just need another set of eyes. I am writing a multi-client server based on WSAAsyncSelect, each connection is made into an object of a connection class I have written which contains associated settings and buffers etc. My question...