
Issue using a string in a soap client

I'm writing some client wsdl code in java (jax-ws) but when I try to compile my code I get the following error: cannot be applied to <java.lang.String> but the WSDL it is listed as xsd:string Any ideas on how to get around this issue? ...

cxf / jaxb complex types

Hello, I use CXF to generate the classes from WSDL but I don't know how to access the following field : <s:complexType name="text-with-layout-type" mixed="true"> <s:sequence> <s:any minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </s:sequence> <s:attribute name="L" type="s:string"/> </s:complexType> The resulting class is : @XmlAccessorType(X...

Consuming ASMX Web Service With WCF

Hello, I have to write a WCF service that consumes a third party 'Web Service'. They provided WSDL and the URL so that I can post the transaction. Can some body please help me how to achieve this, with some code example. Thanks in advance BB ...

Is it possible to use python suds to read a wsdl file from the file system?

From suds documentation, I can create a Client if I have a url for the WSDL. from suds.client import Client url = 'http://localhost:7080/webservices/WebServiceTestBean?wsdl' client = Client(url) I currently have the WSDL file on my file system. Is it possible to use suds to read the WSDL file from my file system instead of hosting ...

Apache CXF WSDLToJava Error: operation already exists. How to bypass?

I am developing second client application that is consuming existing SOAP web-services. I generate Java from existing WSDL using the latest Apache CXF 2.3 tool wsdl2java -client -ant and get WSDLToJava Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: An operation with name [{urn:somesc...

Howto: convert WSDL to XSD?

I'm using an ASP.NET web service with some large and complex structures. I can examine the WSDL and use it to generate code for my (Delphi) application. And it all works just fine. I also have a (homemade) message viewer which captures the SOAP messages and will display it's content. I use it to capture the data sent to and from the serv...

How to restore the original order of xsd:elements in xsd:sequence wrappers when websphere is upgraded?

So, there's a project around these parts that's pretty old. It's using Java 1.4 and XFire to produce code-first web services (I know, I know, best practices...). Anyways, the heads have recently decided everyone needs Websphere 7 now! Upgrading to Websphere 7 changed the WSDL significantly. For example, before, if this was the order ...

Using Liferay Service with Javascript?

Hi, I need to retrieve some information from a Liferay server with Javascript. I build a service in Liferay so I can generate SOAP requests to the wsdl file and retrieve the data I need. That works well with a SOAP client. What is the easiest way to generate these SOAP requests in Javascript? I already tried to use the Javascript SOAP...