
Python 3.0 `wsgiref` server not functioning

Hello, I can't seem to get the wsgiref module to work at all under Python 3.0. It works fine under 2.5 for me, however. Even when I try the example in the docs, it fails. It fails so hard that even if I have a print function above where I do: "from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server", it never gets printed for some reason. It doesn...

using wsgiref.simple_server in unittests

I has some function like this one: URL = 'http://localhost:8080' def func(): response = urlopen(URL) return process(response) And i want to test it with unittest. I do something like this: from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server def app_200_hello(environ,start_response): stdout = StringIO('Hello world') star...

How to catch POST using WSGIREF

I am trying to catch POST data from a simple form. This is the first time I am playing around with WSGIREF and I can't seem to find the correct way to do this. This is the form: <form action="test" method="POST"> <input type="text" name="name"> <input type="submit"></form> And the function that is obviously missing the right informat...

TCP connection reset occurs when WSGI app responds before consuming environ['wsgi.input']

For our webservice, I wrote some logic to prevent multipart/form-data POSTs larger than, say, 4mb. It boils down to the following (I've stripped away all WebOb usage and just reduced it to plain vanilla WSGI code): import paste.httpserver form = """\ <html> <body> <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/"> <in...

How do I encode WSGI output in UTF-8?

I want to send an HTML page to the web browser encoded as UTF-8. However the following example fails: from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server def app(environ, start_response): output = "<html><body><p>Räksmörgås</p></body></html>".encode('utf-8') start_response('200 OK', [ ('Content-Type', 'text/html'), ('...

In google app engine, how to iterate through form fields (python, wsgiref.handlers)

Using python and wsgiref.handlers, I can get a single variable from a form with self.handler.request.get(var_name), but how do I iterate through all form variables, be they from GET and POST? Is it something like this? for field in self.handler.request.fields: value = self.handler.request.get(field) Again, it should include both fi...

Mensagem no console do servidor Python (wsgiref)

How do I hide the message automatically sent by a server for Python console? On a server that uses WSGIREF. like this: - - [30/Jun/2010 15:18:13] "POST /aguia.html HTTP/1.1" 200 4 - - [30/Jun/2010 15:18:14] "POST /aguia.html HTTP/1.1" 200 4 - - [30/Jun/2010 15:18:17] "POST /...

Problems with cgi.FieldStorage

I have an application, what uses wsgi as middleware, everything it's ok, with the Get but, in the POST using a form i am facing a big problem, i don' t find nothing, no matter what i make theenviron['CONTENT-TYPE'] give me this:multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------8753104564381071051372446876, the cgi.FieldStroage giv...

How to encode upload file in Python3

Hello, i am trying to upload files to a web server using Python 3 but i can 't use a web framework because none uses python 3 so i' ve decide to make by my self just using the wsgiref lib all the process to handle with the upload information in the form, everything is ok when i upload the data coming from the fields but when i try to upl...

Start simple web server and launch browser simultaneously in Python

I want to start a simple web server locally, then launch a browser with an url just served. This is something that I'd like to write, from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server import webbrowser srv = make_server(...) srv.blocking = False srv.serve_forever() webbrowser.open_new_tab(...) try: srv.blocking = True except KeyboardInte...