
Can we use Web Service Software Factory together with Web Client Software Factory?

Hi I have past experience with WCSF but no experience with WSSF We built a project on .NET 3.5 with WCSF and standard web forms (not mvc). The requirement for the next version is to provide web service interfaces for the 3rd parties to integrate with out product. How do you think is WSSF can be useful in this case, can it sh...

.NET - WCF - Building Documentation

Hi I've built a WCF Service using the Web Service Software Factory ( I'm trying to make a CHM help file for users of the web service. When I build a help file (using Sandcastle) the help file doesn't match the interface displayed to users. Let's take the case of a method in the service called CustomerG...

WCF/Client apps - where should business logic go?

Hi We're building a WCF Web Service using WSSF. The idea is that it will expose our main database via the service and allow us to build various applications and web sites on top of the service. At the moment I'm building a simple client app that will download some data from this service, manipulate it then give it to the user as a repor...

WCF: Exposed Object Model - stuck in a loop

Hi I'm working on a pretty big WSSF project. I have a normal object model in the business layer. Eg a customer has an orders collection property, when this is accessed then it loads from the data layer (lazy loading). An order has a productCollection property etc etc.. Now the bit I'm finding tricky is exposing this via WCF. I want to ...

PLKs and Web Service Software Factory

We found a bug in Web Service Software Factory a description can be found here. There has been no updates on it so we decided to download the code and fix it ourself. Very simple bug and we patched it with maybe 3 lines of code. However* we have now tried to repackage it and use it and are finding that this is seemingly an impossible ...

Error upgrading WSSF solution to VS 2010

Hi I've recently installed VS2010 and I'm trying to upgrade a project that I created using VS2008 and WSSF (Web Service Software Factory). I've installed the 2010 version of WSSF and it's prerequisites. After upgrading, when I try to load the solution I get "blah.ssfproduct cannot be opened because its project type (.ssfproduct) is not ...

Best WCF application design

I am working with a financial application and am looking for the best solution for designing my application. We have 100's of stored procedures where most/all of our business logic sits. We have WCF web services projects built using Web Service Software Factory ( We have stored procedures built for...