
WTFroms error:TypeError: formdata should be a multidict-type wrapper

from wtforms import Form, BooleanField, TextField, validators,PasswordField class LoginForm(Form): username = TextField('Username', [validators.Length(min=4, max=25)]) password = PasswordField('Password') when i use LoginForm on webapp(gae) like this : def post(self): form=LoginForm(self.request) but it show error : ...

how to make the username and email is Unique .. using WTFroms

wtforms is a forms validation and rendering library for python web development but i can't find how to handle the username and email Unique , thanks ...

WTforms validation

Hi I have a form class which looks like below:- class UserCreateForm(wtf.Form): name=wtf.TextField('Name',validators=[validators.Required(),username_check]) email=wtf.TextField('Email') userimage=wtf.FileField(u'Upload Image',validators=[checkfile]) The custom validator function " checkfile" looks like this:- def checkfi...