
WYSIHAT 'resonds_to_parent" undefined method - Ruby on Rails

I just successfully installed WysiHat in my rails blog. Seems that the 'add a picture' feature is not working. It successfully allows me to find and select a picture from my desktop but upon clicking save, it does nothing. I also have Paperclip successfully installed and can attach images to records outside the WYSIHAT form field. An...

Need help getting Wysihat to work

Hi all, I'm using Wysihat in a rails project and am stumped by its inability to bind to my textarea named post_description (model name Post field name description). I have the following in my head tag: <%= javascript_include_tag 'prototype_1.7'%> <%= javascript_include_tag 'wysihat' %> <script type="text/javascript" chars...

How can you catch a contentEditable paste event?

I've got a great editable text area going with wysihat and contentEditable. I really need a way to intercept paste events to either stop them, or process their DOM before allowing insertion. It's a little crazy they people can paste entire webpages into the editable areas. Is this possible? Come on future, arrive on my doorstep. HTM...