
WPF Change color in Xaml based off code behind property

I am trying to change the color of my label based off an enum set in xaml. I can not get the colors to update. Any help would be great. Thanks! <UserControl.Resources> <!-- Normal --> <SolidColorBrush x:Key="Normal_bg_Unselect" Color="#FF1A73CC" /> <SolidColorBrush x:Key="Normal_fg_Unselect" Color="#FF72BAFF" /> <Soli...

No output to console in Miscrosoft Expression Blend?

I'm afraid this is a dumb question, but I'm tired of searching for a solution. I can't send anything to the output window (Results -> Output) in Expression Blend. I tried with 'Console.WriteLine', 'Console.Out.WriteLine' and 'Debug.WriteLine' but I can´t see anything. Thanks for your help ...

How do you generate classes from XAML in Visual Studio 2008?

How do you generate classes from XAML in Visual Studio 2008? I have a Silverlight project. The XAML has been written in Expression Blend. I am told that I can use Visual Studio to use the grid classes in the Page.xaml file (the whole solution is loaded into Visual Studio) to generate the .CS (C#) files in Visual Studio 2008 that corre...

Creating Non-stroked Region in C# StreamGeometry Xaml markup

I am looking for a way to create non-stroked regions for a StreamGeometry in xaml. In other words, I want to know if it is possible to recreate the following code (taken from msdn) with the StreamGeometry Xaml markup syntax. StreamGeometry geometry = new StreamGeometry(); geometry.FillRule = FillRule.EvenOdd; using (StreamGeometryCont...

Add f# function as event handler in xaml

Does anyone know how to add an F# event handler to a control in the xaml file? ...

How to get the last active url wpf

Hi All, How to create a back button to move to last visited page in wpf. I want hide the navigation bar and give back button option with parameters. Geetha ...

How to get the list of images in the application folder wpf

Hi All, I want to get the image list in the image folder in the application folder. The following code will returns the Images in the Mypicture folder. string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyPictures)); Geetha ...

WPF ListItem Zoom on Event

Let's say I haven a Listbox, or as I do right now a Wrap panel with items bound to it. The items use a custom data template utilizing a custom control if that matters. Now I want to react to a click (or any event in general) and zoom an item towards the user, overlapping surrounding items. Basically a more detailed view of a particular...

XAML image source set dynamically based on content

Well it's not really very dynamic, at least it won't change at runtime. The idea is I have buttons and each one has a unique image ( icon 32x32 ). The buttons all share a style where I mess with the ControlTemplate. So each image also has 2 colors one normal and another when I mouse over. I noticed that when I declare the source path f...

Change ListBoxItem Style

Hello friends. I want do something like this. <Style TargetType="{x:Type ListBoxItem}" > <Setter Property="Style"> <Setter.Value> <Border Style="{StaticResource BorderStyle}" Width="200" > </Border> </Setter.Value> </Setter> </Style> <Style x:Key="BorderStyle" TargetTy...

WPF Have controls fill entire row

I am trying to get 2 buttons to be beside each other and evenly take up the entire row underneath the "main area". I seem to be missing something Thanks! <Grid Background="Transparent" Margin="0" Opacity=".8"> <Border Name="MaskBorder" Grid.RowSpan="3"> <Border Name="MainBorder" Background="Aqua"> <Grid> ...

Scale text in a grid/viewbox upon pinching

For a day now I'm struggling to solving this issue, regarding scaling a textblock and a textbox upon pinching the scatterViewItem for resizing it. I've tried putting each of the elements in their viewbox, but also having the whole grid in a viewbox. The issue is that it(the textbloxk, that is) doesn't scale upon pinching or stretching ...

WPF: Cannot Get Custom Attached Property to work as a Trigger Property

So I have a class that looks like this: internal class MyClass { public static readonly DependencyProperty IsSomethingProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached( "IsSomething", // property name typeof(bool), // property type typeof(MyClass), // owner type ...

WPF Expander: Reversing the icon direction while keeping the content location (ExpandDirection) the same

I am using the WPF expander like a drawer, it expands up out so that the header remains above the content. When it is collapsed the grid cell that it is in is made smaller as well. I want the expand direction to remain down so that the content fills in below it, however because it moves up it would look better if the icon with the dire...

WPF combobox databinding both to custom objects and to datatable.showing System.Data.DataRowView in dropdown list items

Hello Gurus! I've posted a similar problem here and wasn't able to successfully implement the solution suggested to me as it wasn't working.I've found a way round and wanted to improve it by binding the combobox to a custom objects to enable data validation.here is the xaml for this one <Window xmlns:data="clr-namespace:Myproject"> <...

Silverlight Project Advice - Sharing resources between projects in Solution/Projects

My Visual Studio solution has many projects within it, like a DAL, BLL, UI Forms, etc. It is getting quite large and now, my Silverlight project that contains all of the UI controls will be splitting up into other more modular projects. Currently, within my Silverlight project, I have a Resources folder where it has Styles.xaml and oth...

Wheres the datagridview in WPF?

I just started playing around with WPF today, and I couldn't find the datagridview control. What gives? Is it called something else? Please help a very confused individual. Thanks ...

UserControl calling methods and using variables outside it's class

Hi all. I have a UserControl that looks like this: <UserControl x:Class="Test3.UserControl1" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"&gt; <Grid> <Button Name="mybutton" Content="Button Content"/> </Grid> </UserControl> And a main w...

XAML ~ Need help with the Binding syntax for collection of objects

I am trying to bind a List of objects to an ItemsControl. The object has only two properties: Movie (a string) and Actors (an array of string). I can get the binding to work fine for the Movie. But I can't figure out the binding for the Actors array. <ItemsControl x:Name="MovieList"> <ItemsControl.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplat...

Windows phone 7 config / appSettings?

Is there a way to add a config file for WP7 apps like there is for Windows apps and web apps? I just need an easy way to save a few settings I'd rather not create my own object and have to serialize/deserialize an xml file. There doesn't seem to by any kind of item template that I can add to my project so just wondering if anyone has don...