
Can you specify the title for xforms message boxes?

The web client of our application makes use of xforms. A message box pops up if an error occurs during validation, and the title of the message box currently shows to the name of the application (e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer). (The graphics function is malfunctioning, so I cannot upload a screenshot.) I am trying to find out if it ...

With Orbeon Forms, why are my submissions to a server using a self-signed certificate failing?

When running submissions (<xforms:submission>) over HTTPS against a server that use a self-signed certificate, I am getting an exception in the logs that looks like: ERROR XFormsServer - XForms - submission - xforms-submit-error throwable: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException : unable to find valid certification ...

How can I apply the YUI security vulnerability patch on my deployed application using Orbeon Forms?

Yahoo! released a security patch for all the applications using YUI. As Orbeon Forms uses YUI, how can I apply this patch on the version of Orbeon Forms that I am using? ...