
iBatis - select environment using XML

I have this configuration in ibatis-config.xml <configuration> <properties resource="collector.properties"/> <environments default="development"> <environment id="development"> <transactionManager type="JDBC" /> <dataSource type="POOLED"> <property name="driver" value="${dev.jdbc.d...

many-to-many mapping in NHibernate

I'm looking to create a many to many relationship using NHibernate. I'm not sure how to map these in the XML files. I have not created the classes yet, but they will just be basic POCOs. Tables Person personId name Competency competencyId title Person_x_Competency personId competencyId Would I essentially create a List in each POC...

Where should I store custom permissions for my web app

Hi, I'm wondering where is the ideal place to store custom permissions in my web applications. For example I have the following permissions: AdminPermission ReadPermission WritePermission At the moment I store these in the static utilities class as the constant string type objects. Thank you ...

Unity 2 and Silverlight 4

I am using Unity 2.0 with Silverlight 4 and RIA Services. Is xml configuration not supported in the web project of a Silverlight Business Application? The only way I can get the resolve method of the container to work is if I register my types at runtime vs design time in the xml config file. ...

Type not being instantiated correctly by StructureMap (using XML configuration)

OK, I'm stumped over a seemingly trivial piece of functionality. How can I get StructureMap to initialize the properties on type instances retrieved from the container, using XML configuration (unfortunately I have to use XML)? My current code is: The type and interface: public interface IMyType { decimal MyProperty { get; set; } }...

What's .NET XML configuration file for?

I find some of the .NET execution files have accompanying .config file. For example, I have LINQPad.exe and LINQPad.exe.config. What's this LINQPad.exe.config for? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true"> <supportedRuntime version="v4.0"/> </startup> <runtime...