
Zend_XmlRpc :Failed to parse response error

Am trying to get a simple hello world XMLRPC server setup to work.However I get this Failed to parse response error error when I run the test URL http://localhost/client/index/ on my browser In my Rpc Controller that handles all my XMLRPC calls class RpcController extends Zend_Controller_Action { public function init() { ...

magento XML RPC problem Class 'Zend_Http_Client' not found in...

Hi, Any idea on what would make this happen? Im trying to use XML RPC zend version but anytime I try to include the client I get some sort of error. Its like its including the client, but then the client does not know how to include the files after that... test connect script is located in root directory, with the following - require_...

Wordpress XMLRPC advice needed

Hi, I have been tasked with creating an API for retrieving and adding content to Wordpress from a flash application and legacy CMS (non-PHP). My plan is to utilise the existing default xmlrpc endpoint and add any additional functionality by creating a plugin which hooks into xmlrpc_methods. A previous attempt had been made by another d...

What could cause xmlrpclib.ResponseError: ResponseError() ?

Hi, I am experimenting with XML-RPC. I have the following server script (python): from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(('localhost', 9000)) def return_input(someinput): return someinput server.register_function(return_input) try: print 'ctrl-c to stop server' server.serve_forever(...

Ruby XMLRPC::CLIENT issue under Rails 2.3.5 with Ruby 1.8.6

I'm trying to implement a ping to an xmlrpc server written in PHP under CodeIgniter. The system currently works as expected when receiving pings from WordPress-based blogs, but I'm unable to generate a successful ping from Rails. The code I'm using to generate the ping is: require 'xmlrpc/client' server = XMLRPC::Client.new("digital466....

Does XSD allow simpleContent and complexContent at the same time?

I want to write an xsd for the xmlrpc spec (and generate java classes out of it using jaxb). The xmlrpc spec allows values like: <value><int>123</int></value> <value><boolean>1</boolean></value> But at the same time it requires: If no type is indicated, the type is string. Which means i could receive something like this: <value...

Tutorial: Simple WCF XML-RPC client

Update: I have provided complete code example in answer below. I have built my own little custom XML-RPC server, and since I'd like to keep things simple, on both server and client side, what I would like to accomplish is to create a simplest possible client (in C# preferably) using WCF. Let's say that Contract for service exposed via ...

XMLRPC with long integer entry in hashMap from java server is not obtained in ruby client

I am using XMLRPC to get data from a Java server. I use HashMap as return value for a particular remote call. The server puts a long int into the HashMap (which is returned) along with other data. At the client end, which is ruby, I get all other data but for the long int. How can I get this data at the client? ...

How do I implement secure authentication using xml-rpc in python ?

I have a basic xml-rpc web service service running. What is the simplest way(I'm a newbie) to implement secure authentication? I just need some direction.. thanks in advance ! ...

MetaWeblog or AtomPub: Publishing to CMSs

I've got a service that interacts with plugins for different CMSs (Wordpress, Drupal, Blogger, Joomla, etc) I need my service to be able to publish a post to these various CMSs. I could either create a URL endpoint in each of the plugins and have my service call that, then have the plugins create the post using internal CMS APIs...or......

How to call a specific, unknown Python object attribute?

I'm working to create a simple Python script that will ultimately tell you how many blog entries were posted in a given month, and the pyblog app is proving very helpful. However, when I create the blog object, I don't know how to access it's various attributes. I can print them all out by printing one item from the dictionary, as shown...

PHP Zend XML-RPC - Any way to disable the 'nil' in requests?

I'm using Zend XML-RPC Client library to send XML requests to another non-PHP XML RPC server.(it's a java JBoss install, but I don't have control to change it/patch it/hack it). One request I'm making has a <nil/> element, which is a XML-RPC extension. The XML-RPC server I'm talking to doesn't support that because the request fails with ...

Which XML-RPC library do you recommend for Android?

I need to make my client talk to a XML-RPC service. I found a couple of interesting ones on the web like android-xmlrpc. Have you used any such libraries in your code? Which library do you recommend? ...

Why Do I keep getting SSL failed negotiation?

I'm using XMLRPC::PurePerl to connect to an xmlrpc server. I keep getting a 500 SSL Negotiation failed when I try to establish a connection. Here's the code snippet: my $server = new XMLRPC::PurePerl(""); my $res = $server->call('TestMessage', $arguments); This doesn't happen on another server where I'...

Expose DB2 data as XML / Query DB2via XML

I have a client who has a sort of data warehouse stored in DB2. For a variety of reasons, the data must remain on this platform. The client is considering implementing an open-source CMS (Drupal) which runs in MySQL. The client needs to be able to execute a bunch of pre-defined queries against the DB2 database from the remote applicatio...

drupal using node.save with XMLRPC call to another site. "Access Denied" message

I have a piece of code on 1 drupal site to create a node another drupal site in a multi-site setup. It looks like I'm getting the sessionid and logging in just fine, but when trying to create a "page" node, I get "Access denied". Under Services -> Settings I have "Key Authentication", "Use keys" is unchecked, and "Use sessid" is checked....

Android XMLRPC Fault Code

Hey, We have been using XMLRPC for android and it was working well until we got our hands dirty with Base64 encoding for byte[] (images) -- (we did base64_string.replace("/","$$") for transmission). We have tried undoing the changes and its looking like an XMLRPC error. We are getting the following error in the DDMS: 06-10 23:27:02.97...

Gravatar XML-RPC request problem in Objective-C

Hi all, I'm trying to incorporate some Gravatar functionality using its XML-RPC API in an iPhone app I'm writing. I grabbed the Cocoa XML-RPC Framework by Eric Czarny (http://github.com/eczarny/xmlrpc) and it works well when I tested it with some of the Wordpress methods. However, when I try to use the Gravatar API, I always receive a...

how can I post html content to wordpress with xmlrpc?

I've got a script to post some data to wordpress using xmlrpc. If I use a simple string for the body like "This is a test" it works fine. However, if it has any HTML formatting in it, it gets horribly mangled when trying to add the post. How do I post html content to wordpress with xmlrpc? G-Man ...

python streaming TCP server with RPC

I have written a little streaming mp3 server in python. So far all it does is accept a ServerSocket connection, and begin streaming all mp3 data in its queue to the request using socket.send(). I have implemented this to chunk in stream icy metadata, so the name of the playing song shows up in the client. I would like to add playlist ...