My requirement is to validate an xml with two different validation strategies. In strategy 1, the xml is required to have instances of an element with certain required attributes. In strategy 2, the xml is required to have instances of the same element with different required attributes. So, the idea is that there are two different sets ...
I'm developing an xml schema for xml that looks sth like this:
<sync name="Zlecenia" requires="Klienci" direction="OneWayToSource">
<table name="vwCustomer">
<field name="FirstName" />
<field name="LastName" />
<field name="Name" />
<field name="Company" ...
Scenario: I am trying to collect information from xml file. To do so, i am using the xmlschema provided. plan is to readxmlschema against dataset and later read xml file. Please suggest me best process if the existing is not appropriate. Anways during this process i encountered this following issue.
I am trying to readxmlschema into a d...