
WPF, read data from XmlDataProvider in C#

I want a TreeView with checkboxes and I'm trying to follow this tutorial. However, in it, he creates all his content for the TreeView at runtime. I have an XML file that I have accessible as an XmlDataProvider in my XAML: <XmlDataProvider Source="XmlData/Versions.xml" XPath="//*[count(*)=0]" x:Key="versionsXml" /> I...

Binding to external XML doesn't work, but adding XML using XData makes it work.

Here is the code for App.xaml: <!-- <XmlDataProvider x:Key="BookmarkData" Source="testData.xml" XPath="/Favourites"/>--> <XmlDataProvider x:Key="BookmarkData" XPath="/Favorites"> <x:XData> <Favorites> <Bookmark> <Title>Google</Title> <URL>http://www.google.com&lt;/URL&gt; ...