
XML complexType with element that ends up as "XmlElement"

In my XSD, I have something similar to this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <schema xmlns:jump="testThingy" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="testThingy" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"&gt; <element name="command" type="jump:commandType" /> <complexType name="loginType"> <sequence> <element ...

Recursive XSD Help

Hi, i'm trying to learn a little bit XSD and I'm trying to create a XSD for this xml: <Document> <TextBox Name="Username" /> <TextBox Name="Password" /> </Document> ... so there's an element, which is an abstract complex type. Every element have elements and so on. Document and TextBox are extending Element. I trid this: <?xml v...

WPF TreeView HierarchicalDataTemplate Unlimited Nodes

I am having problems populating my treeview beyond the first level when the xml is using the same class name to have unlimited levels. I have used Xsd2Code to create the object class. To keep this post from being 3000 lines long, I am including a link for downloading the project. It can be downloaded here My XML example <Testing> ...

xsd2code multiple xsd file create duplicate sub classes

I am using xsd2code to generate classes from the xsd schema provided by the star standard. I did try to use xsd.exe to generate the classes, but it did not do a good job. When I generate the class from 'ProcessCreditApplication.xsd' it generates a single file with all the needed classes. Everything works fine at this point. When I gen...