
XML and XSD - use element name as replacement of xsi:type for polymorphism

Taking the W3C vehicle XSD as an example: <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" targetNamespace="http://cars.example.com/schema" xmlns:target="http://cars.example.com/schema"&gt; <complexType name="Vehicle" abstract="true"/> <complexType name="Car"> <complexContent> <extension base="targe...

How do you get XML::Pastor to set xsi:type for programmatically generated elements?

I'm learning how to use Perl as an automation test framework tool for a Java web service and running into trouble generating xml requests from the Pastor generated modules. The problem is that when including a type that extends from the required type for an element, the xsi:type is not included in the generated xml string. Say, for exa...

axis2. xsi:type object mapping does not work

I have a following setup Two objects: ObjectB extends ObjectA A webservice with a method: getObject(ObjectA obj) In wsdl these objects defined like: <xs:schema attributeFormDefault="qualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://mypackage.com/xsd"&gt; <xs:complexType name="ObjectA"> <xs:sequence> <xs:ele...

PHP Soap call throwing Bad Request when using xsi:type

EDIT: The following two are examples of what works and what doesn't work. I can pass the latter through __doRequest, but I would really rather use the other SOAP related functions (for example they provide a better response, object instead of string). Is there any way using PHP to get the the second example just using arrays, SoapVar, S...